1 minute read
A river that ringe in the twilight,
The fragrancc of laurcl and pinc, , Old cabins descrted and lonely,
I Dftn trails that lcad down to a mine;
I Thc sighing of wind thru the trce topa,
I The glcam of thc 6ret evcning etar, f Aad herc on the shadowy hillside f The gates of thc past atand ajar. f I a"a out from itr mystical portala
I Come thronging our own pioneers, v To light thc old camp6re at nightfall
And brcak the long ailence of ycare.
I lirt' to thcir songe and their laughtcr'
Their voicce arc boyieh and gay, Thcy'rc tclling again how they gave us
The Kingdom wc'rc holding today.
Thcy conqucrcd thc might of the mountainr, Thcy harneued thc turbulent strcamr, Thcy toiled in the forcate and gulchcs, Alone with their hopea and thcir dreame. They foundcd our town! and our citicr, An Empirc they rcarcd in thc Wert; To thc Land that inaietcntly callcd thcm, Each onc gavc hia etrong "lcvcl beet."
Great rivere that aing in thc twilight, Vaet foreatr of 6r and of pinc, Fair valleys and wondcrful citiea, Thc wealth of the Gcld and the mine; Therc, thcee arc the gifte they bcqueathed ur By doing their atrong "lcvel bcst;j' So hcrc'a "to thc heartr still bcating, And pcace to thc hearts at rert."
-A. M. C.
TVe're Looking Backward
In order to look forward wc're cclebratin' considerablc, an' havin'a lot of fun; but we're likewise atudyin'the livce an' works of our pionccre, an' readin' our futurc in thc light of thcir past.
We're gettin' plum full of determination, an' calculatc to do our Ievel beet to make good on thc diggin's the old boys opcned up, an' let the world see as how wc're worthy dercendante of the "Brood of Giants."
Ihcre's a lot of prospetin' an' advcnturin' to bc did out hcre yet; an'if any one wanta to ctake a claim, build a cabin, mend a sluice, or timber a tunnel, we're here to help 'em. Californy ain't begun to be mined out yet, an' if you've got eourage, independence an' grit, you'll make a lucky strikc. Pioneerin' ie juat ae much fun now aa it used to be. Rcad up on what the forty-niners did' an' thcn think shamc to youraelf if you ain't got gumption enough to at lcast pioncer a Homc.