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@S. F. Cats Stoge Big Concot @
Fun and Good Fello^wship reigne4 supreme at the San (rr", Seidel, of St. I-rouis, past snark and. guest of honor, Francisco Commercial Club last 'Wednesday night when the gave an interesting account of nis various eiperiences as a cats of the Bay District assembled in the presence of a dis- lunoberman in combatting vicious anti-shingle, anti-wood tinguished c-ompany of visitors and indueted an even dozen and anti-lumber legislation in various parts oi the country. of in:locent kittens into the realms of Hoo-Hoo land.
It was the Bay City,s method of celebrating national Hoo- Among the other notables present were R. A. Iliscox and I{oo d.ay, and the local nine, assisted. by numerous lay mem- *::* l::::^Yh past snarks, and C' D; LeMaster of bers, did it as only the San Franciscb coiony knows how. 'tr'resno' supreme arcanoper'of the Order'
The entire proceedings were under the supervision of Homer Then came the concat. Ilere is a complete list of kittens: B. Maris, the popular snark of the distriet, but he had efri- Stephen Westover, Sunset l-,rumber Co. cient help from his numerous com.mittees and from the other 'William John Pope, Sunset Lumber Co. members of the nine. Ortis tr'red Folsom, Eagle I-,runber Co.
More than two hundred cats and kittens sat d.own to the Thomas'W'alford Almquist, California & Oregon Lbr. Co. tempting dinner, whieh was served at six-thirty. A bevy Charles tr'reeman Ricker, Sunset Lumber Co. of profeisional cabaret entertainers, including a wonderful llenry I:aner Wills, Central Lumber Co., Gilroy. quartet, served. to divert the attention of some of the older Charles Rucld Wilson, Jr., Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co. cats from the repast in front of them, but before the evening Robert Eugene Caldwell, I-rittle River Redwood Co. was over, the good things on the table received ample atten- Floycl'Wilfrecl Elliott, Chas. R. I\fc0ormick Lumber Co. tion from the entire party. The festivities also revealed some Charles Norton Wood, Strable llardwood Co., Oakland. mighty good talent among the cats themselves. For instance, Parker Steward, Frederic S. Palmer I-rumber Co. "Bart" Macomber, who long has enjoyed an unenviable J. E. MARTIN, CAITIFORNIA LUMBER, MERCIIANT. reputation as a sol-oist, was on the job, a-nd the boys did not
The initiating condittee was 6s follows: Henry FaIl, Bart seem to get enough of his rare vocal efforts. Macomber, n. ?ugg*j. W. K.lly.
The speaking programi_wal4gtlgll.f"ltt q"f.J. Egk
The nine in chfr?d of the..".-ooy were: Dionne, publisher of the CAITIFORNIA LUMBER, MERCHAtft, gave some interesting reminiscenees of his early Snark' H' B' Maris' experiences in Hoo-rroo, and told a number of southern senior rloo-rloo' A' E' shallish' negro stories. R. F. Eammatt, secretary of the Redwood Junior rroo-rloo' Frank B' Macomber' association, pointed out the importance of all lumbermen scrivenoter' 'walter Kelly' joining in the campaign now in progress to defeat the state Bojun., w' A' Glenn' iloorio-g act, with lt*'uoti-*uiogi. pl"ooi.i**, ut tn. forth-
1*liil!f5*T:ffit"*1l;".. coming- Novembrr _election. Newton B. Drury, -secretary of (inrrlon, Robt. Gardiner. the "Save the Redwoods" League, presented his series of beautiful eolored pictures of the giant California Redwoods, custocatian' James E' Peggs' and pointed out ihe importance-of co-operating with tlre Following the mystic rites_, Past Snark-Seidel againspoke movJment to save the tre'es along the highways in the north- to both cats and kittens on the profound importanee of Eooern part of the state. Hpo membership'
A Board in the Building is Worth Two in the Yard. State Assn. to Meet in S. F. Oct.z8
A general meeting of the California lrumbermen's Association witl be helcl in San Francisco, Saturday, October 28, and. a big attendance of representative lumbermen-retail' ers, wholesalers, manufacturers and loggers-is expected. - ' ttti. will mark the end of the first year of the association's existence. The date of the meeting is announsecl this far in advanee so that every lumber person with the good of the association at heart can make arrangements to be there. FuII cletails of the session now are being worked out by r
President Fred E. Connor of Sacramento, and the board of d.irectors.
Since the resignation of H. E. Wheeler, secretary-man&ger, the ofrice in the Irumbermens' building, San Francisco, has been'in qharge of Mrs. J. E. Eggleston.
E. D. Tennaut of St. Louis, former secretary-manager of IIoo-IIoo, will become acting secretary of the association on September 1, and will continue in that capacity until the convention in October.
Make your "Buildins Service" sign-Iike the "Welcome" on the Mat-mean Something.