3 minute read
Culnants Going Theme lor Poem
'When it became known at Riverside a few weeks ago that Ed B. Culnan, the popular manager of the Charles R. McCormick yard at that place was to move to Lss Angeles to become a member of the sales force there, efrective August 15, Dr. John I. Esgate, a member of the local Kiwanis club, was moved. to verse.
Mr. Culnan has been a member of the Riverside Kiwanis club and active in a great many other civic affairs. Dr. Esgate's poem was read at the last meeting Mr. Culnan attehded and made quite a hit. Here it is:
A pcaceful rcene, a elccpy burg, Soft eunlight ehimmcring down; Swect fowcra blooming by thc way; And littlc children at thcir pl"y;Thcn Culnel rtriker thc town.
Ahl litdc did that village dream Itr dayr of pcacc had p1ncd. Ahl litdc did it know or thinL. That it waa trcmbling on thc brink Of troublce 6crcc and fart.
A. C""""t croaeed tho Rubicon. And turncd hL facc ,towardr Rome, So did thfu wild and rcckleas man, Ed Culnan, croar tho Santa Ann To make thie town his homc.
Thc war brokc out, thc country rocc, The world buret into flame; But don't blamc thie on poor old Ed, Altho from thinga that wc havc raid You might thinlc him to blame.
No, likc a million othcr lads, Who heard the clarion call, Hc fclt thc gooec flegh on hic gkin, Hc fclt thc firca burn within, Hc lcapcd to givc his all.
Of high rcaolvc and noblc dcedr
Wc will rrot ston to tell.
Ed did hir duty with thc bcrl
Hc fought hie fight with zcal and zcet,. Wc'rc cure hc did it wcll.
Then back again oncc more he came
To dcal in lath and lime.
To rhakc the pcoplc from thcir hoarde With ehaky rhakee and knotty boardr, He'e had a right good timc.
But now alar, we'rc rad to say, Thc etar that loade him on, Decrceg that in a littlc while Vc'll miga hie homcly face and smilc. Poor Ed will roon bc gone.
We wbh to add a eingle word, Ae all grcat pocte do, Wc wieh to eay Kiwanie lovc
Goea with you, Ed, wher'cr you rove, Thc whole big wide world thiough.
The Union Mill and Lumber Co. at Santa Barbara has just completed a brand. new sales ofrice, store and display room for the aqcommodation of their business. The new building is of prgssed brick, 56x36, with plate glass windows, and all the interior ffxtures and conveniences that will enable them to give up-to-date and effieient serviee to their trade.
Ofricials of the concern are thorough believers in modern merehandising methods and in their new business place they believe they have spoken the last word on this subject.
Gould a Goal and railroad strike tie up your business?
We hope it won't, but if it should etop your Iogging operations for a week, a month, or even longer, would you be able to lay up all your locomotives and cut off thir item of expenre?
If you have a M. A. C. Model 4-40 Rail Car, you can-very easily.
This car will handle men, suppliea, rails, section crewa, ties or any other load up to five tons faster than a locomotiv+and at a small fraction of the expense. With it you do not have to keep a locomotive steamed up during a shut down to do chores about camp.
Figure up the time you have been shut down during the paet year and egtimate the coet of doing odd jobs with a locomotive during these idle periode This expense alone would go quite a way on the purchase price of a Model 4-40 Gas Rail Car. Thit is juct one of the ways it will rave you dollarr.
Write us for other waya in which it will cut down expenEes and for full information.
Capacity-l0,000 lbe.
Specdr-4 to 20 miler per hour in eithcr dircction, four apeeds forward and four epeedr rcvcr3e, cquippcd with gcar driving lranemiecion.
Maximum Grad--With 10,000 lb. load, tcn pcr cent, Driv+On all four wheels.
Axlc.-Chromc Vanadium Steel with all working partr complctely encloscd.
Gearr--Chromc Nickel Steel running in oil.
Bearingr-S. R. B. Ball Bcarings and Timken Roller bearingc thrdughout. Thcre are no babbit or bronze bearinge to give trouble.
w.hecls-Calt Stcel, 24 in. dia., 6 in. facc.
Frame-All Stecl.
Cab-Mctal construction or madc to ordcr.
Skagit Steel & lron Works
Yard, Mill, Office ond Road