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East Likes Redwood, Says Hammatt
R. F. Ilammatt, Secretary of the California Redwood Association, has just returned from a three months'tour of the consuming Cbnters of the East and MidcIIe 'West.
Mr. Hammatt went East for the purpose of introducing the new Redwood sales and advertising service to the lumber trade in that part of the couatry. He reports a most enthusiastic reception on the part of retailers, wholesalers and jobbers, and all other elements of the ind'ustry.
Among the proudest souvenirs that he brought back with him were some photographs of exclusive residence streets in Kansas City, Clevelanct ancl other Eastern cities, showing houses on both sides of the street, with Redwootl sitling. He says there neyer was a time when Redwood was in greater demand for all kinds of builcling purposes than the present.
Mr. Hammott also confeued. with the secretaries and other officials of various retailers' assoeiations in the East, and' met with numerous important groups of retailers. All of them, he says, 'were much interested. in the new serviee now being put out by the association. This service enables the Eastern retailers, architects and builders to get direct and hetpful in-formation from the Redwood producilg mills an4 tfoe-ir representatives in the East. It is one of the most effective Jales services ever devised by an Association
Will Daviris, of Patton & Davies, retail yard operators, I-.los Angeles, has gone to Yosemite on a vacation trip.