2 minute read
&r Kindly Expressions rr
"I think your paper ir a wonderful thing for the lurnber burheec of Cdifornia, atrd I want to do anything I can to help it rucceed." (Chas. R. McCorrrick, San Francirco.)
ttWe wirh to rcompliment you and bclieve you deretwe a great deal of prabe for having browht thir wonderful lumber advertidng medium to thir rtate. We only pray that you will receive enough advertiring patronage here to continue publirhing THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT." (Earl Schmidt, Sder Manager, The Schumacher WaIl Board Company, Loe Angeler.)
"In the wordr of the vulgar clar, I get a .kick' out of thir magazine." (Stanley W. Snith, E. M. Cox Lumber Co., Tulare, CaI.)
"One camnot read THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT without becoming enthured, and the bert part of it ir itr endeavor to rerwe rubrtantid mattcr in a breezy way, without hot air." --(Curtir WiIiarru, Lor Angeler.)
"I ann a little bit late about it, but I want to rtick out my right hand and wirh you the fullert rnoarure of the russelr you so richly merit." (L. S. Care, Manager, Weyerhaeurer Sder Company, Spokane, Warh.)
"Pleare%e advircd that we have received the fint and recond copier of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT and conrider it the very bert we have evcr reen. May the good work go on and on." (E. K. Wilron, E K. Wilron Lumber Co., Dixon, CaI.)
t'If you can do the lumber induetry of the We* ar nuch good ar you have done the indurtry in the South, it will certainly be a grand thing for the lrrnber indudry at large.
I wirh you dl rodr of tuccelt." Frank Watkinr, Exchengc Sawmillr Co., tr(annr City, Mo.)
"I want to congratulatc you upon the rylendid appearancc of THE CALIFORNIA LLTMBER MERCHANT. I arn rurc that any man who howr anything about the publirhing brui, ner and the lumber indutry ir alrcedy convinced tht thc new paper will go good right from tte rtert. you have my bert wbher" (W. E. Crorby, Editor Wert Coart Lumberman, Seattle, Warh.)
'I am thoroughly rold on THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT. lt ie live and btrczy end carricr a ,ptmcht that ir refrerhing." (H. B. Marir, Sen Francirco.)
THE CAUFORNLA LUMBER MERCHANT rurety ir rnrch appreciated.-lerornc C. Gripper, Lor Angcler.
I arn glad to cnclore my check for rubrcription to TIIE CAUFxORNIA LUMBER MERCIIANT. You havc my mort rincere wirhcr for your 3uccerr which already ir ar. rured.-A. O. Nelron, .Paradcna.
It certainly lookr likc a real livc lumber journd and wc want you to cnter our rubrcription to cornnence imrncdiately. If we can be of any hclp to you in thi. pert of California wc ark that you call upon ur.-Fricnd & Tcrry Lumber Co., Sacrancnto.
I drvap get a kick out of what Jack Dionnc bar to ray and the way he rayr it, and wouldntt mirl an irue of thc new magazine for anything.-L. C. Pcrry, Blocdel-Donovtn Lumbcr Millr, Scattle, Wuh.
They Called for More
"Last week we mailed you subecription to TIIE CAUFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT for our general office. Today we are encloring check for $14.fi) covering rubrcription to our following yards: Chico, Roseville, Oakley, MorgEn HtlI, S.n Martin, lan Gatol and Mountain View.
F. H, DUTTLE, Sterling Lumb.er C.o., San Franciro.