1 minute read
Lumber dealera all over the Wert ere rraking more profilr through handling Hipolito StocL Sizc Scrcenr. Thcy 6t all rtandard rize window openingr.
Write ur for our epecial propoeition for lurnber dealerr-it's a winncr.
Yet today, as thirty years ago, ttre average Red Cedar Shingle man producer hir ahingles, preparet them for market, and then turne the iob of creating a market for the product over to Almishty God and the Lumber Dealer.
Jurt THIS, and it ir gorpel. Creating DEMAND is every bit ar ersential for the rhingle m€n, aE for the raisin ncn.
And Red Cedar Shinglec will come into their own whenever the rhingle men do what the raicin men have done and are doing.
And rmtil they do that, they will know there rame upr and dovmr-principally downt-that they have known for a generation.
Go{ didn't ray to the rairin men: ttYour prorperity will depend on your own effortr to lellr" and to the rhingle men: "You furnirh the rhingler and I'll furnirh the market." HE made one rule for all of us.
And HE har furnished abundant proof for many yearr that He never contracted to furnieh a surtained and prorperour ehingle market
The Southern Pacifie has reduced. the rates on bee-hive stock and other lumber specialties moving from California eastward. The Diamond Match Company and other pine producers in the northern part of the state are heavy shippers of bee-hives.
The Trade-Mark
On Your
Hereafter we will trademark both ends of our timberg proving that we. are proud of them.