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Woodhead Store in Los Angeles Sells Homes and Service
tI tOne of the most attractive downtown building stores in the whole country is that of The "Woodhead Lumber Company, in Los 4ngeles.
It has been in operation just a few months, but it has already demonstrated to Mr. Woodhead and his corps of.Iieutenants that the theory of the downtown store where the public may intelligently and pleasantly do its building shopping, is sound and. practical
The Woodhead I,lumber Company operates three excellent lumber yards in the City of Iros Angeles. Mr. David Woodhead, President and Manager of the concern, is an earnest and enthusiastic advocate of mod.ern building service for the public and FROM the retailer, and for several years he has been employing progressive methods of advertising and selling materials and buitding service.
Last spring he decided to take a great progressive step and correlate the selling departments of his business in a central way and place, giving the public the chance to come into a modern place of business for building ideas, plans, illustrations, visualizations and materials.
So he opened a store builtling on Main street in Los Angeles, fnished and furnished it attractively, and began the giving of downtown buiicling service.
The Main street store is one of the most inviting and interesting places of business in downtown Los Angeles It is all done in California Redwood, and Southern Red Gum. The rear half of the store is occupied by the offices of the firm, including the private office of Mr. Woodhead.
The front half is the store. There are big, commodious tables there, big comfortable chairs to sit in, and plenty of HOME literature of a various character to read and look over. The visitor is met at the' door by one of two very clever contact men who inquire their wants and take charge of them.
The walls are a mass of lumber and building suggestions. There is no raw lumber there. Everything is finished or stained to show its finishetl use in the actual builcling. Samples in the shape of panels of all sorts'of floorings, finish, etc., are amanged around the walls.. There are home pictures and signs everywhere. There are miniature homes. There are plans and plan books. There are doors. There are many