3 minute read
Are You Making the Machine Run In Your Town Mr. Dealer?
Given the very latest model Rolls-Rough Twin Eleven with full equipment, you can't get very far if your spark plugs are not plugging.
And it would cause you much glee if the owner of such a machine should bewail to you his hard luck in being unable to use his car.
"Ha,ha," you would. say to yourself, ttfor the lack of a little spark plug that man is losing all the benefits of that wonderful, smooth running, powerful, easy riding car.-. It is to laugh." AncI beholcl the mote in your brother's eye hides your own beam.
ff ever a man in this whole wide world had a better hachine right in his hand.s; if ever a man was given such a backing for his business prosperity; if ever a man was handed opportunity on a golden platter; he doesn't exist outslcle of the Retail Builcting Material Profession !
We harclly know whether to laugh or to weep when we think of that wonderful nachine being laicl up in the garage for want of a few spark plugs-and the initiative to put them in !
A maphine that is perfect in every detail; that is of the most solid construction; that has all the latest equipment; that is read.y fillecl with oil and gas; and above all, a machine so mad.e that instead. of deteriorating, it grows better year by year; that machine is at the disposal of every R. B. M. merchant who has the desire to use it.
That machine, brothers, is your own town.
It has just as many cylinders as you have businesses and people in your town; it has the oil of co-operation and the gas of improvement-desire in the tanks; its materials are friendship, love of beauty, comfort and convenience and the love of home; its model is civic betterment; its springs are mutual benefft; its "finish"-ls prosperity.
And here you leave it in your garage just because it needs a few new spark plugs!
Some of the cylinders may be hiiting; your real estate men an-d. your plumbers may be plugging for more building; but the rest are missing baclly; and your car won't get very far nor haul very big loads so handicapped.
Ilow about the furniture people? Are they cold? Do they take an ACTIVE interest in ereating a desire for new homes ? Are they in concert with the other cylinders ? Ilas a single one of them a single picture or photo in his store showing a IIOME ? Or do they all content themselves with just "selling furniture?" A new spark plug in the shape ol a little aggressive missionary work might add the power of that cylinder to your business car. tutes a cylinder of your business machine-a cylinder of that car you must use to go out after the business and in which you will "bring home the bacon."
I{ow about your Board of Trade; your other civic clubs; l,'our women's organizations? Eash of those cylinders shoultl be hitting snappily. The potential power is there, but the spark that starts the power is lacking.
I know of no other business that is so little competitive with other business as this one of ours. And. there is none othei that can call in so many others to profit mutually r{th it on every job it gets.
With the completion of each new home, practically every other business, trade and profession in the town profits. They are, in a manner of speaking, d.ependent upon that home briing built before they can properly do their own bit of trading.
Fundamentally, each and every one of them is selfishly interested in seeing new homes built to house new families to give each of them more prospective customers. Fundamentally-and literally-each one of them consti.
Advertiring never failed to Build Burinen if the thing advertircd was worth buying twice.
The more cylinders there are hitting on your ear, the faster and the further you will go and the larger load. you can carry.
Each of those cylinders is read.y for work; but in too nany cases the actuating influence-the realization of conditions -the futl knowledge of possible returns-is lacking; thc spark plug isn't plugging.
Just go over your machine and test the plugs. Your daily records, your acquaintanee with your orrn business will act as a good testing tool; it doesn't take very much mechanieal ability to know whether that plug is giving a good hot fat spark, or whether it is foulecl with neglect or indifrerence.
'Whatever the matter, either clean it, or put in a new one, and that cylinder will atld its power to the others.
Get them all in shape, put your finger on the siren horn of advertising, and STEP ON HER, !
She's a non-skid, oyer-powered, goldJinecl joy-boat w[en she's ih shape, and you'll ride straight to prosperity!
One single treeOne solid train oftruelve carsSixteen-foot logsTotal log scale 371000 feet-
HIS noteworthy and interesting incident recendy occurred at our Standard, California, operation. It depicts our maximum size Sugar Pine from which we produce the world's finest in stock size and wide, thick, super-soft finish.