2 minute read

Yard, Mill, Office ond Road

What Live California Lumbermen are Doing

Eardwood Flooring Specialist Reports Teat Business Is Excellent

Frank F. Autin, head of the National Hardwood Company, of Los Angeles, says the hardwood flooring business at the present time is all that could be expected. In spite of the faet that this is vaeation time and therefore generally shows a seasonal slackening, the demand for hardwood flooring is mighty steady.

The National Hardwood Flooring Company is strietly a flooring firm, handling nothing else, and giving their best attention to the flooring game. They have a big stock in their Los Angeles yard from which they can make prompt delivery of all grades and dimensions of oak, maple, birch, pud beech flooring.

wmrE succunDs cULNAN AT RrvERsrDE

- I Alvin D. White has been appointed rlanager of the Charles n. McCormick yard at Riverside to succeed Edgar B. Culnan, promroted to the 1ss Angeles ofrice.


WilI 'Woocls, assistant sales manager of the Coos Bay Irumber Company at San Francisco, is on an Eastern trip. IIe i9 making a particular study of the market for Port Orford cedar, -as the Coos Bay folks are specialists in that wood, shipping large quantities of it to California as well as to the Eastern markets. Mr. Woods traveled. via Chicago on the eastbouncl trip and will go as far as New York, Returning he will come bver the northern route, visiting -in Seattle ant' Portland before getting back to the San Francisco office.


Two important Iumber eorporations recently have placed bond issues on the market for the purpose of prosecuting d.evelopment of timber holdings in the Northwest. The I-rong-Bell Lumber Company, offered $9,000,000 of first rTortgage 6 per ceqt bonds, and the Central Coal and Coke Company $4,500,000 of 6 per cent bonds. Long-Bell are preparing io operate near the Columbia river in the state of 'Washington, and the Central Coal and Coke on the Oregon side of the Columbia.


- It is a well known fact that there is a large quantity of white oak standing in California, largely on the hills in the territory of Atascadero. It is a likewise well known fact that so far no means have been discovered for drying this timber successfully, when it is cut into lumber. It warps and twists into aII sorts of contortions when drying. If it could be dried successfully, much might be done with it, for the trees grow large, and while they are short bodied, the timber is white, and looks good.

There is a Japanese timberman in Los Angeles who has been studying the problem of drying this oak, and who has now secured a patent from the United States patent office on what he claims to be a perfected. process for so doing. To prove his point he has sent to some of the hardwood yards samples of dry California oak luqber that looks ffne and straight, and is very good in color.

He kiln dries the wood, in a smoke kiln of his own devising, and he claims that he will soon be selling California oak in merchantable qualities and quantities.

IIis name is K. Fujimo, and he lives in l-.los Angeles.


I:overs of the Giant California red.wood.s and all who are interested in their preservation will have an opportunity to see a play based on this theme-at the Big Basin, Santa Cruz, August 18 and 19, and. in the Sequoia Giant forest at Visalia August 25, 26 and. 27. The story of the play is a romantic forest legend. woven about the majestic redwoods. The outdoor setting will make the presentation doubly realistic and is expected to teach a forceful lesson on the necessity of protecting the trees.

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