1 minute read
A Clever Way to Ai& Collections
Selling is one thing, and collecting is another. Of coulse, goods are never really SOI:D until they are paid for; either with money, paper, or responsible credit.
But ideas for helping along slow collections-GOOD but slow-are always helpful. There is many a man wearing a sailor hat, you know, who doesn't own a yacht"
We know a retail lumber firm who employ a method for gently urging cash from the pockets of the slow mover iu a manner aII their own, that has proven unifornly successful.
They have their bookkeeper make a notation when they receive checks from customers, so that the ledger page of each customer shows the bank they do business with. They make it their business to know the banking place of each book customer, which is easily accomplished.
'When a customer falls behind and is overdue with his payrdents, and the "first aid" efforts to get the money fail, they get a blank check of the bank which the customer uses' fill it in with the amount of their account against him so