1 minute read
The Seruice Room
The modern lumber merchant'r eervice room rhould be built with three objecte in view:
Comfort Beauty Utility
The object of comfort ahould be attained becaurb it ir the firrt rtep toward mahing your curtomer feel at home. The chairr, tabler, and generally rectful atrnosphere of the room will give thir feeling.
Beauty ir neceoary because tbe curtomer wante to feel, without being told, that hir prorpective horne will have beaugr, and the dealer can attain thic,ob' ject by making the fmirh of this room of ruch char' acter that the curtomer will appreciate and admire them, and perhapr gralp an idea from them.
The woodwork chould be the refection of the aetual rtoick you carry and the fmirher that you would ruggert. The windowrr trimr doorr, paneling, wallc, every detail rhould give a ruggertion and a promire.
The utility of the retwice room is in ite picturer and ruggeetione of homer, and the acsompanying plant and building idear.
Then, if the dealer can back up the comfort, and beauty, and utility with actual detailr and factr and figurer, and dling thoughtr, t'he next nece$ary equipment of tte room rhould beORDER BI.ANIG.
that all he has to do is sign his name to it to eomplete the transaction, and they mail him that check ready for signature, with the following letter 2
"Dear Sir: Please fintl attachecl a check properly filled out for the antount due us, drawn on your bank' We are also enclosing a stamped envelope for your convenience. If you will kintlly put the 'ffnishing touch' on the check, pin the same to this letter, and slip it into the enclosed envelope, it will reach us by return mail. This will make our credit man at the general ofrice smile, antl will keep us both in good standing with him. Yours Very Truly."
They use this on accounts that are 60 to 90 days old, and find that with small accounts particularly it is tlecidectly effective.