1 minute read
We%offi Sozz&eous ORBGON PINE PANBLS
He says that article reminds him of the bright and promising young man who had hired out as a salesman, and was starting on the road for his first trip. Before he left the office the "big boss" said: "When you get to your first town, wire us a report. "
The next morning the wire came: "Arrived on time, feeling fine, " and that was all.
Whereupon the house wired. back: "Glad you are, Iove and kisses."
Speaking of efficiency, we believe the Te4as Ranger ofrers the finest example of thorough and complete efficiency in his particular line of business, that we have any knowledge of.
Perhaps mbre glamour has been thrown about the Canadian Royal Mounted Police in song and story than about the Texas Ranger, and it is certain that the Canadian officer is an admirable figure. Yet it is no criticism of him to say that individually and on the average the Canadian Mounted officer is not to be compared to the Texas Ranger as an example of complete efficiency in his chosen profession.
To be a Texas Ranger a man must have an entirely clean record as an officer of the law, m.ust have demonstrated his entire fearlessness through a term of years in that capaeity, and must be a dead shot. He is always a quiet individual of \00/o cotrage and determination. That he means business, no man who confronts him in the discharge of his duty, ever doubts.
Yet the psychology of the mental attitude of the law breaker toward the Ranger is such that very, very seldom does the Ranger have to demonstrate his shooting pro'wess. Ife never threatens, never gives an order but once, and. he enforces that order instantly and absolutely. He doesn't have to kill men often for the simple reason that it is an absolute certainty thpt he WIIrL kill them if necessary, and the most hardened desperado seldom courts certain destruction.
When on duty they generally travel in pairs, a short distance apart. A desperate man MIGIIT get one of them, but the act would be absolute suicide. Think what the other would be doing to IIIM.
The best of all the ranger stories ever told, is a true one on the late Captain Bill McDonald of the Texas Rangers. There was a race riot, and the Governor was wired for Rangers. A lone ranger stepped off the train in response to the wires.
" Good l-.,ord, " exclaimed one of the eom,mittee that met him, "did they only send ONE trianger?"
"IMhy," asled Captain Bil] in mild surprise, "are there more than one riot?"