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A needed building is the finest possible investment for YOUR money. Its LIFE is far greater than that of the majority of things offered you. Its'depreciation as far lighter.
Its ownership improves your CREDIT with your associates and your BANKER.
It establishes the quality of your citizenship fn either case, the responsibility is his, if he has adopted his town in a building way. For it is the cluty of the retail lumber dealer to put his town on the map as a good. place to live in, where the buildings are attractive, in good repair, and pleasing to the eye. It is a duty he owes to his community, his profession, and himself.
The APPEARANCE of the tou'n he lives in, should be a matter of vital importance to the lumber-paint d.ealer. If the place is " run down at the heels " he must accept a large share of the blame. If it is spiek and span, he will receive a large share of the credit.
And if his town is to present a pleasing appearance to the eye, it means that the building must not only be attractively constructed and in good repair, but they must be well PAINTED. All the work the builder can do is entirely lost,
The. only redwood tree in Southern California has to be moved to make way for progress. It is in Pasadena and stands on the site of the proposed Central fire station. It i3 a beautiful specimen and rather than cut it down the city will give it to anyone who will move it.
unless the PAINTING thinking of the town is competently handled. No doubt about that, is there?
Shabby or poorly painted buildings are an eye-sore regard.Iess of the quality of the material and the construction. Therefore it appears that the retail lumber dealer is just as much interested in the PAINT business as he is in the BUIITDING business, since they are so dependent upon one another.
And THIS is the special urge that has-within the past five years-induced thousands upon thousands of lumber dealers in the United States to become naint dealers. And
Paint Supply For Lumber Dealers
because of the good that they found in selling these two inter-tlependent building materials TOGETHER, they have become enthusiastic paint MERCHANTS.
The man who sells both lumber and lumber service, paint and paint service, doesn't have to worry for fear his naterials won't be RIGHT in their f.nished state. In addition to selling the man the right plan, the right material, etc., if he can furnish him also the right PAINT, and know that it is properly applied, he will have done a double stroke of business, and will also have the satisfaction of knowing that his client has been doubly served.
Thousands of lumber dealers in the United States are enthusiastic local advocates of the Clean-up, Repair-Up, and Paint-Up Idea.
There is located. in St. Louis, Mo., the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau. It is located in the Pontiac Building, and Allen W. Clark is the National Chairman. The business of this national bureau is to furnish paint dealers with materials, assistance, ad.vice, and instructions in handing local Clean Up and Paint Up campaigns.
Now, Paint Up campaigns make business for the lumber dealer in a variety of ways, particularly if that lumber dealer is also a paint dealer. Few people paint a place that is not in good repair. There paint up and fix up go hand in hand, and always will. When you help organize and conduet a paint up campaign you naturally create a repair up demand, which makes a demand for lumber. If you are selling both the lumber and the paint, and also furnishing the IDEA, you are creating business for yourself, and doing your town and your trade a good turn.
The Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau in St. Louis will gladly furnish any interested person literature, advertising and publicity matter, ete., and directions for starting and conducting campaigns. That is their business. Write them.
LUMBER YARDS anticipating the sale of PAINT, not as a sideline, but as a leading building material, should first consider a line of paint that is made BY the contracting painter and contracting builder, and FOR the contracting painter and builder.
Our materialr are made for the contractor who knowr what materials will do to assirt in so painting the lumber ar to improve itc acceptability.
WE HAVE A PAINT PROPOSTTION FOR LUMBER 9o8 S. Main St. YARDS. Witl be pleared to eubmit it on requert. LOS .A,NGEI F'S