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Strikes and Fires Affect Lumber
"Washington, August 10.-The interference of industrial disturbances with normal business activities is reflected in reports from all the softwood lumber manufacturing regions. The extraordinary extent and persistence of the forest fires in the northern Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast region are a,lso affecting production to some extent as logging and lumtrering operations are suspended in some instances in order to reduce or eombat fire dangers.
The effect of the restriction of transportation is believed to be reflected in the fact that with 375 mills reporting, as against 374 for the preceding week, shipments fell from 216,209,867 feet to 203,038,076 and orders from 209,945,446 to 208,001,592. Production declined fuom 227,276,859 to 223,531,076 feet, most of the reduction being in the fire zones.
Southern Pine Association------------
TotaI --.--.---
Week (127 mills).
West Coast Lum,bermen's Association-----.-.-.-------..
Total ----.--.-
Week (124 mills).
'Western Pnie Manufacturers' Association
Total Week (43 mills)*
California White and. Sugar Pine Manufacturers---.--
TotaI ..-.-----
Week (4 mills)-.-..
California Redwoood Association
Total -------..
Week (9 mills)--------..
North Carolina Pine Association-----.-----.
Total ....----.
.Week (41 mills)..
Northern Hemlock and Hardwood--..--.-.------
Total .--...---
Week Northern TotaI
(18 mills)... Pine Manufacturers' Association
At the same time the year's general advance over 1921 is being well maintained. in view of the temporary adverse eond.itions; the increases being 55,254,697 feet in production over the corresponding week of last year; 29,2501622 in shipments, and 58,099,442 in ord.ers.
For the first thirty weeks of the year ending July 29, the production of lumber by the same eight regional association was 6,128,188,671 feet; shipments, 6,202,030,462; ord.ers, 6,568,790,186; the increases being respeetively 1,667,390,049, 1,715,709,798 and 2,020,046,986 feet, over the first thirty weeks of 1921.
The following table gives the softwood lumber movement by regions and in totals for the week, and for the first thirty weeks of the year, ending July 29:
Some week, 1921----.. -