1 minute read
The Good Old Personal Equation
There are many thinga which the building merchant rhould and doec do in the line of attrA,cting loose dollars into building channels; things ttrat work wonderfully in concert when properly co-ordinated.
But there is one thing that nothing can take the place of in the buriness of "creating businessr" and that is PERSONAL SOLICITATION. Your advertigins is good, your mail effortg are fine, and the good thingr which one neighbor says to another about you are wonderful boosts for your business.
But good old peraonal solicitation, that wonderful thing ttat we call "the personal equation" ir the greatest single and individual drag for dollars, when, it comes to the show-down. "When man meetr man" has got all other selling situations beat a mile.
The wise merchant ie the man who uses the personal equation just ar much as ir phyeically porsible, and plans hir affairs to permit himself that liberty to the fullect degree.
The personal meeting is the finest "tie-up" between your publicity and your selling efforts of all kinds, and the actual order itself.
The man who was not even luke-warm to the idea you wrote him about, decidee in your favor mighty quickly when your peraond interest ic denronstrated by a friendly call, and a perronal explanation of the excellence of the proposition offered.
Call on evety prospective purchaser of building material in your entire community just ar often ar you possibly can. Take rome building IDEA:i and SUGGESTIONS with you always. Put the "punch" behind what you do and ray.
"Busineas ir good; we MAKE it goodrtt meanr perronal solicitation.
If you are intent on making 1922 list among the successful yeara of your businest career, put "PERSON.AL SOLICITATION" firrt among the thinge that you murt do.
There are many people in your eelling territory who need new buildings, tAat won't come to you with their wantc.
There are few people in your relling territory who haven't need of some repairing material at this season; but few of them will.come after them unsolicited.
And the more people to whom you offer. your goodr, and the more wayt you show them of uting your goods, the more goodr you will sell.
There is abcolutely no doubt about it.