3 minute read

Rondom ltems-Mill Run

Keitii To Start Logging In Oregon

The Central Coal and Coke Company of Kansas City, of which Charles S. Keith is president, will soon begin active logging operations on the property acquired a year or so ago from the Oregon-Amprican Lumber Company in northwestern Oregon, tributary to the Columbia river. Mr. Keith announces that the company will start to log and sell its Iogs even before its starts to manufacture lumber. A sawmill of large capacity wili be erected at Veronia, Oregon, but will not be ready for operations for more than a year. Meanwhile logs will be carried to the Columbia river over the Hill line railroad now serving the timber, and sold on the Columbia river market.


Building operations in Richmond have been unremittingly active for more than a year and lumber dealers in that enterprising city have enjoyed their full share of attending prosperity. For the fiscal year ended. June 30 building permits aggregated $830,944, with a gradual increase from month to month. Several irnportant projects now are under way and contemplated so that the total permits for the present calendar year doubtless will reach the $1,000'000 mark.

Siiingle Workers Ask Congress For Tariff

Employes of shingle mills in Oregon and Washington have protested to members of Congress against the plan to place shingles on the free list. They point out that shingle mills in tfe United States, working eight hours ancl with white Iabor mrust compete with Canadian mills working ten hours and with Oriental labor. Unless the present program of Congress is changed, shingles wiII continue to come in free of duty.


Instead. of holding their regular noonday luncheon on August 1, the United Sash & Door Association of Southern California met at dinner at the Virginia Hotel in l-.iong Beach. The membership was well represented at the table. The principal speaker of the evening was Les Henry,, wellknown banker of Pasadena, who spoke on the certain future d.evelopment of Southern California and the attending possibilities of all branches of the lumber distributing business.

Our Hopee and Aims, and Final Deetiny are at' laet One. Soon Death, the kind old Nune, will come along and rock ue all to rleep, and we had better help one another while we Eiay3 we are dl going t'he same way-Let'r go hand in hand.Elbert Hubbard.


Arrangements rapidly are being completed for the early erection of the new miII of the Dolbeer-Carson Ilumber Company at Eurela. The site wiII be near the plant of the present plant. The new mill will be complete and modern in every particular and when finished it will be one of the most efficient red.wood manufacturing institutions in the state. It will be driven by electricity entirely.


Until seeing a copy of the attractive little booklet entitled "165 Uses for Cornell Wood Board" it would be almost impossible to imagine so many separate and distinct ways in which this popular building material could be employed.

But the book proves it convincingly. It not only tells the story but shows, by apt illustration, how it is dbne.

The booklet consists of sixteen pages and is intended for distribution through the retail dealers. It provides space for the imprint of the dealer's name and is in a form that permits mailing with a sample of Cornell Wood Board.

Save Tiie Forests

Lecturer (Ioudly) r "I venture there isn't a Iumberman in this room who has ever done anything to prevent the destruction of our vast forests."

Voice from audience: "I've shot woodpeckers."


The MeDonald Lumber Company has acquired the business and property of the Cottrell moulding mill at Eureka and will engage in the nlanufacture of sash, doors, moulding and other millwork for distribution through the northern part of the state. The Cottrell mill was established in Eureka more than twenty years ago, but for the last two years has been idle. It is undergoing extensive improvements preparatory to reopening.

Superior Brand (|AK FI(|(IRI]{G

SUPERIOR in Quality-SUPERIOR iu Manu. fatcure-SUPEIOR in Saticfaction

Eecaure: Only carefully relected lumber of Fine Quality ir ured, inauring uniform texture and color.

Eecaure: It ie produced in the mort recently and modernly conrtructed Oak Flooring plant in the country.

B,eicaure: It ie manufactured on the famour Di.cc-Head milling machiner, abro. lutely eliminating knifc markr, and producing a Superior finieh.

Eecaure: Our 96 " and /2" Flooring L hOT RESAWN in manufacture, but rtoch ir cut to rize before riicking, thereby preventing "cupping" or t'bucltIing".

Manufaetured by Superior Oak Flooring Co,, Helena, ArL.

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