1 minute read
The Low of Mutualitg
-Every human selling effort must be based on the law of mutuality, if it is to succeed PERMANENTLY.
The effort that originates only in a desire to SELL SOMETHING, !9y9r eqded anywhere except in failure, because, at the best, it SELLS BUT ONCE.
The REAL selling effort begins with a desire to discover and uncover the other fellow's NEEDS; and ENDS with an intelligent and forceful attempt to SUPPLY THEM.
THAT is the selling effort and method that will climb the golden stairs to success, in the retail lumber business, or in any other line of business.
The other fellow is interested in what YOU have to sell, only insofar ag the fact interests or affects HIM.
Necessary BUILDING or BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS lend themselves to creative sale$manship to a very unusual degree for the reaaon that they appeal so practically and directly to the needs, desires, and yearnings of other people. They afford a splendid opportunity for the shillful salesman of building THINGS to interest the prospect from the proper angl*the buyer's viewpoint.
The best investment on earth IS A NECESSARY BUILDING. Its life is very great compared with the maiority <if things that are offered people every day in exchange for their money.
Its depreciation is very light, by that sarne comparison. Its ownership improves the CREDIT of the purchaser. .\
It affords hiH$rotection, satisfaction, comfort, luxury, etc.
So in offering to your trade BUILDING or BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS you can base your selling effort on MUTUALITY of benefit, and sell them conscientiously and cheerfully, conscious of doing god.