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Home On Truck Helps Sell Lumber
Ilere is a sample of a class of lumber d.ealer advertising that is coming into favor in many parts of the country. 'We have seen pictures of such propositions in several states.
The acconpanying picture shows the d.elivery truc| of Ifenry Koehler & Co., of Louisville, Kentucky. This is the most attractive of all the homes-on-trucks that we have seen.
Its popularity became such, when shown in eastern papers, that the firm had plans drawn for this exact house, which they distributed to other dealers, the result being that there are quite a number of retail lumber firms in the east today who have this identical house on their trucks.
The plan here shown is an exact reproduction of an attractive English home. The pilasters and. ehimneys are of imitation tapestry brick of four shades, laid with mprtar rake-out joints. The walls are covered. with crushed stone stucco. The windows on the sides have real frames, set in the wall, with separate French sash of fifteen lights each. The doors are divided in like manner. Uuder the door canopy is an electric light to which current is furnished. The flower boxes hold evergreen shrub plants, with some color intermingled, while at each side of the house is a miniature cedar tree in a tub.
The color scheme is: Walls, grey stucco; brick, tapestry, reds, browns, and yellows; outside finish and frames, cream; shrubbery and trees, doors, green. steps, white
A Riiymed Sales Suggestion
'When you see a run-down stable Or a barn that's hardly able, To keep up a lop-side gable Or a roof that's fallen through; Don't just stand. there and defame it, Or pass on your way and blame itOn the owrer. I-rist it. Name it As a job that's IIP TO YOU. And before you fall in slumber, Figure out the bill of lumber, Calculate the size and number Of the pieces it will need. To the owner then present it; Lret him know you really meant it, Ard you'll find he won't resent it.