3 minute read
Inconontod uldcr thc lrrr of C.lltornir J. C. IXonnc, fr*..- -i-i-.-.i Pbtt B- Hst, VtePrcr.; J. E. Merdg S*v' Publlehod 6. l.t rnd lltth o6 rch noth rt .x-T FAY B.DG- LOS AIIGELES, CAt. TELEPHONE VA!dL' '5'5 En{ircd ar Scond-clur nrttcr Scrrimbcr E) lr2. et t}r Pootdcr et ts Antcla' Cdlfornl+ rin&r &t oa }lmh tr r5t
Subrcription Pricc, $2.lXl pcr Ycer r r1S ANGELES, CAL, AUGUST l, 1924
Singlc Copier,25 ccntr cach.
How Lumber Looks
The generd lumber dtrntion ir better than it war ttirty dayr ago., -The-Califomia lumber rituation L MUCH bettcr tLen it war thirty dayr ago.
Ttere ir-nothing to make folkr gct out and throw their hatr in the air, or itty of that rort of excitemeot -bYt thingl ARE irnproviirg, HAVE inmproved, and WILL improe rteedily from now on.
At ieart, that': tte way it lool'r from here.
Buildins figure! for the wbole rtate of California for JuIy, rhori thit the building s.me har tumed. The volunc of -tuitdins in Southern Cilifomia in July war ruficient to forrn a bacie for much optimirm.
The general situation- in the lumber burinco-ir {cadil; improviic. The Southern Pine reportr rhow tbat for dr conrecutiie weekr thcre har bccn a demand for Pine far abo. nonnal" end the South€rn Plne martet har-improved wonderfully in that tfure. IAe Southern Pine baromcter "r"r" *""i rhowr orders far above normalt fiipmentr bclow -orderr, and production below lhipmentra very healthful eituation--ftt"tttil
Souttern Pine demand murt have a bcn96ci9l aeect on Ue ft rituation in the northwcrt, ir abrolutely ""it"io, and that the imp-rovd-ryq"t4 nerta will teke -"t[ br the preoure oif of Cilifornia thir fa[' tgrErr abrolutely certain.
-- A prJ-inent Lor Angelee urholeealc lunbetnan raid iurt the other day, wbile- dbcusiqg the general- eituatioo, ;i ma a plearind condition prevai[ng now, and onc that
Douglas Fir Stocks Are Light
Seattle, Aug. 10.-seldom since Pacific Northwest lumber achievld primary importance in domestic and *orld markets, hive unsbld stocks of lumber at Washington and Oregon mills been as light a9-91 August l,-according to i-he monthly stock sheet of West Coast Lumbermen's Association.
The reoort covers conditions at 135 of the leading stock-cariying mills. Among interes-ting featur-es of the repori is-an increase in stocks of 1x4 No. 2 v'g' foorin!, during the month of July, am-oun-ting to.2l per ceii. On-the other hand one-inch clear strips decreased 22 per cent.
No 2 and Letter flat grain fooring decreased two per cent- Drop siding, 1i6 No 2 and better, increased irn'o p.t cent; ieiling,-decreased 14 per cent; lxE No' 1 comriron, decreased five per cent; No. 1 common twoinch dimension increased six Per cent.
Nortlrcrtcrn OGco raa N-tlt-Er AL BtdtPrdl{ Orqr encrxraSer EG vcrlr much. Sto& Sd I ofiald Qre wepkr alo et priccr-thrt rccocd ridiculoo.r bq q+ did not t"c- toi c.oigb to induce buy'iDg, rrrndr FdTt tr|rcr' and et thcrc nnc prira. My obrctwdirn-b b13r lh+ thc bclt dcvclopncnt in tro *ccla L Sr! qrG ull yrdl arc now buyiDg: Uppcrr erc nov:ng uchhryr Dd &3 random coinio r,iiLcr' ia ny oehioo' tti[ bG drntF in a ver5r rhort tinc. By rlroolcr I nn thrl ttdqPdg= wilt be il cficct A fa-of thtbrsd tuycnr rnfl bold' ins ofi and are no,t bE ing e thing qrtltct do -mt hrvc to-have rlm6t thc renc drv er rhc otdcr b pleoad-tt
A riturtion tbd aficcb thc Celifcaie nrtC b in co' nection with thc ii[r thcnrclvcr RcDdtr & tlrf thc nanrfrctrrcn rnc vcr!/ orrtimbtic rbod FicG. rLcorp' prorched with hquiric+ but thrt the lfcr rqc ditf,cruto ihe rurold rto&-on rLc wtervcr a NorS. Thb durtitn wilt dirrrt itrctr.
Tteioas in C,elifcah erc prctty rdl dcrocd q. Eva to the old lotr ther ordinrrily movc btt b e- rrdingd ttat wc bevc bcco gohg thrd3l. Srn Pcdlo crltud conridcrablc hnbcr vilhorrt crsrdir.
Thc Fr nrith led lePorT qnhsFm thc oGca. of 6. Wcrt Coart Lrnbcrmt ^bodrti'oo' ddc' 6d 6G Gd for t[c lrrt rcch nD to El nillion ftct' rilL nlG. of l0a" (XX),(X)O. Thcv rhippcd tn rmut td c$lrt !o O.ir rlc.. Unfllcd reil ordcrr enotnt to 3'4gg cett
The Califonnia Rcdvood Amcietim'r lutrqct givcr a weck'r ralcr of rL nillioo fcct rDd 6Gt cril .igbt .nd onc-haff nillion
Hoquaim,'Wash., Aug. 12.-Five hundred men were out of woik and the mill and 8,000,0CD feet of timber belonging to the National Lumbet and Planing Mill Co. were in ruins this morning following a fire started lllt night-by sparks from a dry kiln plant of the company. Llamage is approxrmated at $1,000,00.
W. T. Culver of Chicago is the principla owner and the mill was being operated by O. S. Senalson of Portland with a capacity of 750,000 feet of lumber daily. Two shifts were employed.
State Builders Exchange To Meet
The State Builders Exchange, an organization of Builders Exchanges of the various cities in California, will hold a joint meeting on August 3lst, at Monte Rio.
Bellflower Yard Burns
The Janway Lumber Company suffered a fire loss on the night of August 7th.