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i State FIoo'FIoo Meetin$ Promises l lv''

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I Last minute word from C. D. LeMaster, Snark of the members who will be in attendance at their /Utti".t.", in regard to the coming State meeting and Con; Many of their qeqler-s a-re-already good 9ats, r/ "lt"""1io'" "r tf,. Concatenated 6rder of Hoo-IIoo, to bo number have signified their intention of joir l/ n.ta at Santa Cruz on Saturday, Augqst 23rd, is that it meeting. V promises to be the most successful get-together meeting Officers of the State Retail Association ha iver held in California. _ record with their hearty support, and have The Convention will be held in conjunction with the ber of Kittens.

The San Francisco Club has sent notices to all of their members, urging them'to Directors meeting of the State Retail Association, and-the Quarterly Conveition of the Millwork Institute of Cali' f6rnia. ivlr. LeMaster states that the Concatenation will be honored by the presence of three Past Snarks of the Uni' verse; Mr. R. A. Hiscox of San Francisco, E' D. Telnant of Los Angeles, and Frank Troler, of San Francisco. Other notables tlat will attend include the present Snark, Mr' LeMaster; the State Councillor, David Woodhead of Los Angeles; and Parson SimPkin.

At ttti present time, California st-ands second in the United Stites, in point of new members for the -present Tear. Michiean is hrst, and also holds the record for havine stased t[e largest Concat during the year. It is the ho"pe of-the Califoriia boys to pull the state-into first place at Santa Cruz, and to finish thi fiscal year in that coveted position. '

Every Vicegerant Snark in California will attend the Santa Cruz m-eeting, and will, with Mr. LeMaster, make up the initiating Nine. This is a distinction offe^red to very fiw of the Kitlens that have gone over the Onion Beds in the last few years,,to be given the Ritual by no less than eieht Viceeerants.

"tne Uitt-*ork Institute is co-operating through all of its

THE MEMBERS TAKEN IN FROM THEI TM TERRITORIES. The total number i be credited to the state of California' Mr. announced that a District will be given Kittens whether the Initiate is present at not. Hestates that the subject can be

The Los Angeles officers are working hard doubt be aniong the leaders when the final co EACH DISTRICT WILL BE GIVEN CR meeting, but that it is necessary for the pai< to be piesented on the 23rd, in order for credit

Winner To Be Presented With Girl

The big feature of the meeting will be thc of a beautiful Santa Cruz bathing girl, to th Snark whose District has produced the largr applications for this Concatenation. Details are being carefully guarded by the Santa Cru

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