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Good Home Advertising Page Make-flp

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Classified Ads

Classified Ads

Hundreds of newspapers in hundreds of towns and cities tave published full page advertisements, showing the various lists of dealers in home building materials, equipment, and furnishings, who participate in the advertising effort. Some of these have been excellent, and some only fair.

The most original effort of that kind that has come tc. our editorial d€sk for some time, is a page from the Bulletin, a San Francisco newspaper.

They show a big picture of a house, and surrounding this house picture there is twenty advertising cards. Each card is that of a firm that supplied something for this house. The house picture is a drawing, so made that wherever necessary it shows the interior as well as the exterior of the building, and THERE IS A LINE DRAWN FROM THE ADVERTISING CARD TO EACH COMPANY TQ THAT PARTICULAR PART OR THING IN THE HOUSE WHICH THIS FIRM FURNISHES. This directly and interestingly connects the advertiser with that which he has to sell, and leaves nothing to the imag,ination.

The physical figures of the page are as follows: complete space inside borders, l9l by 16l; size of house cut, llf wide by 9l deep; heading across top of page, 2 inches deep; advertising cards entirely surrounding house picture, 4 inches deep by 2 inches wide, and there are 20 of these cards.

Included in the cards were lumber dealers, shingle dealers, stucco dealers, asbestos dealers, contractor, plumber, gas heaters, mill work dealers, insurance, tile, furnace dealers, painters, flooring dealers, water heaters, brick dealers, awning dealers, etc.

Hoo Hoo Baseball Team Holds Meeting

l'he Annual meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Basel>all Team, for the purpose of electing Manager and Captain for the coming year, was held at the Hoffman Cafe on Tlrursday evening, July 24th.

ll. W. Ilookstaver, of the I\{cCullough-Fagan Lumber Cornpany, 'was unanimouslv re-elected Manager of the tearn, while G. E,. Cavanagh of the J. tAl. & C. Shull Lumber Company, lvas elected Captain.

The team has been equipped li'ith suits and other equiprrrent, and issues a broadcast challenge to any Hoo-Hoo baseball team in existence.

Prescott Lumber Company Fire Loss

The mill and trvo million feet o{ lumber of the Prescott Lumber Co. at Basin, 40 miles east of Fresno on the San Joaquin & Eastern Railroad were destroyed by fire August 6th. The loss is fixed at approxmately $125,000.00.

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