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Quartedy Meeting
Millwork Institute Of California
Casa Del Rey Hotel, Santa Cruz August 22 and 23,1924
Friday Morning-Augtlst 22
9:00 A.M. Director's l\{eeting
9:30 A.M. Registration and Table Assignrrient
10:00 A.M. Opening of General lVIeeting l. President'sAddress ......H.W.Gaetjen Empire Planing Mill, San Francisco
2. Report of Managing Director ......F. T. Didesch
3. Report of Committees:
Advertising ...H. J. Quinn Hubert Quinn Millwork Co., Los Angeles
Architectural Relations
A. W. Bernhauer Fresno Planing Mill Co., Fresno
Catalogs and Lists. J. A. Farnsworth California Door Co.. Los Angeles
Cost Finding..E. R. Maule
Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles
Estimator Classes..
. Ralph Button Button & Manning, San Francisco
Foremanship Training. E. R. Maule
Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles
Listing Bureaus ...... D. N. Edwards
The Oakland Planing Mill, Oakland
Membership. E. J. Nutting Spencer Planing Mill, San Francisco
12:00 M Adjournment
NOTE: All delegates are urged to join in the general discussJon which will follow each scheduled subject.
Friday Afternoon-August 22
12:15 P.M. Luncheon Session
Delegates will assemble for luncheon at the tables assigned them by the registration desk. The object of the luncheon session will
Members MIC:
3. Address: "The Advertising Campaign of the International Woodwork Institute" ,J. E. Stickney Ferry-Hanly Advertising Co., Chicago, Kansas City and New Orleans
4. Discussion: "Operating Losses in Production".,,... J. H. Shepard Friend & TerryLumber Co., Sacramento
August 7' 1924' be to ge! better acquainted and thru informal discussion, develop ideas and suggestions for presentation from the convention floor at tomorrow morning's meeting. An officer or director will act as chairman of eaih table. It will be the aim, of course, to make every table geographically representatrve.
There is enclosed a preliminary program of the forthcoming quarterly meeting at Santa Cruz on August 22 and,23.
You will observe that all reports and addresses are scheduled for Friday, the first day of the convention, thus leaving the whole of Saturday morning for a general discussion participated in by all members.
In order to suggest topics for the general discussion on Saturday morning, it has been arranged to hold a luncheon meeting at 12:15 p.m. Friday, and a breakfast meeting at 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Those sessions will be informal and since all tables will include representatives from each district, are bound to develop a good number of ideas for presentation to the general meeting on Saturday morning.
The report of the Managing Director will be devoted to a discussion of the aims and objects of the Institute. and will include his recommendations as to how they may be attained. To date it has not been possible for him to present a specific program of action, but his Santa Cruz report u'ill supply it.
Whether or not the Santa Cruz gathering will be the success it should be, now depends on the membership. The program committee feel that they have arranged for a most interesting and constructive convention, but their plans will fall flat unless there is a large attendance.
Help to make it a 100 per c.ent meeting. Arrange rrot only to be present yourself, but bring with you any eligible non-members so that they may be gathered into the fold.
Please indicate on the enclosed form which members of your organization will attend. The arrangements with the hotel depend somewhat on the size of the convention. hence an earlv reply from you is essential.
2:30 P.M. General Meeting
Selling Ethics
....H. P. Dixon
American Door Co., Los Angeles University Planing IVIill Course. ..G. L. Davis
National Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland
2. Address: "Foremanship Classes" B. W. Johnson
University of California-Southern BranCh, Los Angeles
5. Discussion: "Operating Losses in Distribution"..H. P. Dixon American Door Co.. Los Angeles
6. Discussion: "The Proposal to Abolish the State Lien Law" Geo. M. Cornwall Portland, Ore.
7. Discussion: "Our Obligations to the Institu*t" t: 'd: i\ierrell Tom Merrell Sash & Door Co., Long Beach
4:30 P.M. Adjournment
NOTE: All delegates are urged to join in the general discussion which will follow each scheduled subject.
Saturday Morning-August 23
8:30 A.M. Breakfast Session
Delegates will assemble for breakfast at the same tables assigned them yesterday, and will continue their infoimal discussions.
10:00 A.M. General Meeting
The entire session will be devoted to a general discussion of these subjects:
"What Can We Accomplish During the Next Three Months?"
"Suggestions for the Good of the Organization."
The various Table Chairmen will lead these discussions, but .every member is expected to contribute the result of his observations.
12:00,M Adjournment
Saturday Afternoon-August 23
There will be no afternoon session. That will afford delegates an opportunity for golfing, swimming, sight-seeing, and the like.
Saturday Afternoon-August 23
6:30 P.M. Hoo-Hoo Banquet
8:30 P.M. Hoo-Hoo Concatenation
NOTE: The banquet and concatenation will be a State wide gathering of Institute members and lumbermen. The Retail Lumbermen's Association is cooperating to make this affair a huge success, and all Institute members should stay over to help promote good will between our members and the lumbermen.