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Plan Book of Small Homes Ma be Obtained
It is part of the creed of Better Homes in America that inexpen-sive but attractive small homes should be accessible to ail families. That is one of the main reasons why the 1921 competition in a thousand communities scattered throughout the nation, which culminated in the demonstrations -of "better homes" during the week set aside for that purpose, laid special stress on homes for families of averig.^o. small mean5-le6s5 in the $5,000 class and,vicinity.
-Recognized authorities have repeatedly made- the statement tEat America is in need of many hundred thousand more houses of a type rvithin the reach of wage €arners' families. Housebuiiding, like many other normal activities, lvas virtually arrrested during the lvar period, and the shortage thus brought about has never. been overcome'
The"educational drganization knorvn as Better Homes in America aims to help in overcoming this housing shortage. and it is aware that prospective home owners need expert guidance and assistance. - This organization is fully aware 6i ttr" basic needs for small homes-a good house plan drawn by a competent designer, to insJIe sound constuction and sensibli planning in the building of even the smallest house.
For this reason, Better lfomes in America has published a booklet for the aid of prospective owners or build' ers of small houss5-heu5q5 containing up to six rooms' This booklet, called "Plan Book of Small Houses"' was prepared for them by the Architects Small House Service Bureau.
As Better Homes in America is non-commercial and purely educational in character, these plan books are dis- tributed to those writing in for them to nationa ters-1653 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington the bare cost of issuing them-25 cents each.
The "Plan Book of Small Houses" contains descriptions, and excellent pictures o{ twenty tive and approved houses, ranging from thrt tages and bungalorvs to six-room, two-story h bungalotvs rwo-srory n-(
The types iniluded are the English cottage, tt bungalow, Italian style houses, Pennsylvani
Cape Cod Colonial, Dutah Colonial, Spanish type houses, Nerv gland Colonial, and others.
This publication offers every one, and opport joy many of the privileges of architectural sel to enat lorv cost.
The Architects' Small House Sen'ice Bureau a profespracttcrng the counof Archiof Commerce of the United States. In purpose it is vice. public ser- llomes in America contains not only the scriptions and pictures of the trventy-four d of excellent small houses, but contains two in cles prepared for it by competent architects. Flagg, Director of Service of the Architects'
The "Plan Book of Small Houses" publi by Better plans, det types artiMaurice I.
(Continued on Page 52)