1 minute read
Frank Trower Comes Out Strongly for Ben Woodhead for Snark of the Universe
"Friend Dionne: I read with much interest in your August lst issue of the movement to elect Ben Woodhead as Snark of the Universe. You are .evidently a believer in the power of under-statement, for when you quote me as saying that Ben's election would be 'acceptable' to California Hoo-IIoo, you are putting it very mildly. I venture to interpret their opinion to the extent of saying we would be very highly pleased with Ben's election as Snark. He is eminently qualified fqr the exalted position and is such a man as would give real leadership and devotion to the order and its highest ideals. Ben is rvell (and therefore favorably) known in California as well as throughout the country. He filled a position on the Supreme Nine when Dick Hiscox was Snark of the Universe. California HooHoo appreciate the fact that Ben gracefully stepped aside at last year's .Annual at New C)rleans and would not contest the office with Le Master. Therefore, if for no other reason, rve will be glad to do what we can to elect Be4 Snark this year. I hope there will be a good delegation from Texas and the South and that Dick Putman rvill go. When Hoo-Hoo of the great and glorious states of Texas and California join together for any good purpose, they are hard to beat, whether it is running a lumber newspaper or electing a Snark." "Frank Trower."
Los Angeles Judge Prescribes "Own Your Own Home" for Divorce Cure
Judge Walter Guerin, of Los Angeles, prescribes three things as a cure for the divorce evil.
F'irst-Orvn Your Own Hom,e.
Second-Live in that home without relatives, boarders or friends.
Third-give more consideration to the question of marrying, and don't marry in haste.
Three very excellent thoughts.