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Southern California Building Big-Los Angeles Coming Back Stron$
Glendale Southern California had a good month in July'
The building depression is already losing its depressed condition, just as The California Lumber Merchant has been predicting in its optimistic editorials'
Los Angeles permits jumped a million dollars above June, totalling $tl,599,782.
Glendale figures were the third largest in the history of that thriving little citY.
Pasadena rvent over its figures for the same month last year.
Long Beach had a fine month. So did many of the other cities and tolvns of Southern California.
The Southland is back on the building job again' 81the first of next January the depression will be entirely gone, and things will be booming again.
The building going on in Los Angeles today rvould be a boom for any other city of its size in the rvorld' llere are July building figures for many Southern California cities :
Contrasted with the huge figures of a year ago' recent totals have looked small.
But they are coming up again, and should continue to improve right along. General conditions in Southern California are much better than they were sixty days ago, and the general feeling on th'e part of the public is immeasureably better.
Well ventilated eheds in our yard where HARDWOOD LUI@ER and FLOORIN-G qtq-ry"J-9-"!cd from rarn and sun and deliver"a t"vl,iilnl-c-Hr "iJ cLeAR and FREE FROM cHBcI(s' WE RUSH RUSH ORDERS we emplov HIGH POWERED, COMPETENT MEN to fill orders. Y& carry HIGH GRADE STOCK .r,J *" sell to ffiCH'CLASS iRAti "ipOWn RIGHT LOW PRICES' WE SATISFY YOU _ LET US SHOW YOU