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Greatest Annual Meeting In History Of Hoo-Hoo Is Assured

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Evidence aplenty is pouring into International Headquarters daily to indicate that the 1924 Hoo-Hoo Annual, at Minneapoiis, Minn., September 8, 9 and 10, will be the greatest in the history of the Order-both from the standpoint of attendance and interest.

' Secretary-Treasurer Isherwood has received from all sections of the United States, from Canada and other sections of the Black Cat's domain, interesting information concerning plans to attend the Annual. Even the fondest anticipations for a wonderful meeting will be surpassed, it is plainly indicated.

Arrangements are being made for a special car out of New Oileans to carry a big delegation of Texas and Louisiana Hoo-Hoo. It may be necessary to charter more than one car for this enthusiastic bunch. From other points in the South information has come of plans for a large attendance.

Spokane, Wash., Hoo-Hoo are eagerly and illpatiently awaiting the time for departure to Minneapolis. Their "On to Minnlapolis" committee has been hard at work for a long time lining up members who will accompany the big delegation of Pacific Northu'est Hoo-Hoo. Spokane is, determined to land the 1925 Annual and they're going about it hammer and tongs.

International Headquarters is doing its bit as usual tb assist those desiring to go by making hotel and other arrangements. Requests for such assistance indicate the lvidespread interest.

The 30 Hoo-Hoo clubs lvill be represented at the meeting.

Indeed, the Annual this year is of great importance to this newesf branch of the Order, for on-e of the-most vital sub' jects of discussion will be that of broadening the- already iomprehensive scope of the clubs to the end that they may bettir serve the public, the lumber indirstry and the individual members.

Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Team Again Beaten

The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Ball Team was defeated Sattrrday, July 26{h, by the Patten & Davies Lumber Co. Team' in a itugging match at El Monte, by the score of 15 to l2-

The [imJ was lost through coStiy errors on the part of the L. A. Club.

The features of the game were sensational catches by Shortstop Cleminson, anld Centerfielder Reed of ths Patten & Daviei Team, while, for the losers, Bookstaver's Securing of six hits out of six times dt bat, including two triples, a double and three singles, was the feature.

The game ended witn tne L. A. Club byiqg the-'bases filled with two out, when the bewhiskered, hidden ball play was used by their opponents, catching a man off first and ending the game.


Mr. H. L. Rosenberg, of the Hipolito Company, Los Angeles manufacturers of ttre famous Hipolito Stock Sized Screens, is enjoying a months vacation at Catalina Island.

Logging Trucks and Trailers

The Weber Auto and Trailer Works have a successful the way from 10 to 100 tons. The wheels used on these record of 15 years in business in Los Angeles. trucks-are practically indestructible. - -lhqy are_now located at their well equlpped factory at Mr. T. Weber sai'd recently to a representative of The 1505 Santa Fe Avenue. This firm has been 6u;tai"g trailers California Lumber Merchant ihat tris fiim is now ready to for over |0 ye{; and have built 2, 4 and 6 wheel-trailers, build logging trucks to order, any capacity, using ifiese rang.ing from -f ton to 50 ton capacity which are giving special wEeel-s which are illustrat.i itr ttt"ir'adverti"sement excellent satisfaction to the users, many of whom are lum-- on another page. bermen. _

The Wtber"Automatic Trailer Coupling and the Weber

More than 100 house-.movingtrucks have been con- steering device are patented articles also-produced in this


Mr. Carl C. Crow, publisher of Crow's Pacific Coast Lumber Index visited San Francisco for several days last

The Sunset Lumber Company yard at San Jose has been week. sold to the Tilden Lumber & Mill Company.

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