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A roof of rare new color -opal beautifies this Cincinnati home
To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bahlman, 3429 Herschel Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio, belongs the distirrction of beins the first to havi on tfieir home the "new Richardson opal roof
This roof is built from the new Rich, ardson opal shingles, no two of which are alike. On each are blended the two most beautiful Richardson colors in slate -weathered brownand iade sreen.
When these shingles are ipplied to the roof just as th-y come irom the bundle, the result is a delicately mottled coloring like the play of light on a rippled mountain lake.
The Rbhordson Multbrome Rmf
This, however, is but one example of the beauty secured in the Richirdson Multicrome Roof. Many color effects are possible-one to please every taste. The rare weathered brown, for in, 6tance, is attractive when applied with other Richardson Shingles of jade green, tile red or black pearl.
The Multicrome Roof is built of Richardson Super4iant Shingles, extra large, extra heavy-to give greater beauty, l9lg".. endurance... .The high quanty of rts lnner materlals, too, as, sures lasting b"".tty for this roof. Its base is sturdy Richardson felt. The waterproofng is Viskalt-unusually durable.becai*. g.8% pure bitumen, especially vacuum,processed.
Richardson Multicrome Roofs are economical to lay and equally gmd for new or over,the.old,rooijobs.Active sellinghelp
Advertisements like this appearing steadily in the Literary Dige6t, HouJ and Garden, House Beautiful and also in thg national magazines ofcontractors, architects and builders, are creating an active demand for Richardson Roofine in your locality. And the Richardsoi Resale Plan is makingprofits for thousands of Richardson dealersby givingthemthe direct benefts of this adv-ertisiirg. Write for details of this plan for your territory. Write far oln new booflet
We will send you our new booklet, Roofs of Distinction, together with samples of Richardson Super,Giant Shingles in opal, and other colors.
Lockland (Ciocinnatl) Ohio Chicego Ncw York City (100E Fisk Bldc.) Atlenu Ncw Orlcrnr Drllsr