1 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some
I have told
for 2O yea$-,Some less.
Spring The Gag
One of the best old preacher stories that ever went the rounds, was that of the preacher who was discussing "Revelations," and had drawn a most terrific picture of the last day, of the rising of the dead from their gtaves, and of all the fearful things that are predicted for that time, when the Lord comes to "separate the sheep from the goats." He put'this sheep and goat separation over with much force, and then brought in his great climax of the serrnon. Drawing up his form to firll height' and rising both hands on high, he shouted, and each time he repeated the question his voice swelled in volume and effect:
"An when dat awfut time comes, brcdern an sistern, de question every one will have to 'nswer is-'who'll be de sheep, and who'll be de goats?' 'Who'll be de sheep, an who'll be de goats?' 'WHO'LL BEDE SHEEP AN WHO'LL BE DE GOATS?"
Unable to stand tte terrific suspense any long, Mose Jackson rose up and answered:-
th. County Auditor's office, where the transfer of the wAsHTNGToN
The same company recently purchased 3960 acres of timber Kelso (Wash.)-Weyerhaeuser Timber Company today land on the Toutle River with 300,000,000 feet of timber purchased 2692'acres of timber land near here, according standing, involving a consideration of close to $1,000,000.
Last Word In Service
The Whiting-Mead Commercial Company of Los Angeles, has just recently added another feature to their customer service plan that is making a decided hit with their trade, and is causing no small amount of favorable comment.

This institution maintains a large down-town display room and sales room for all of their stocks, except the lumber d.ppartment. They handle practically everything that goes into a house, plumbing supplies, electrical goods, paints and varnishes, hardware and other things that gives them a large range when figuring with a prospect. Their down-town offices are at Ninth and Maple, and their lumber yards are on Vernon Avenue, about four or five miles South, andnot easily reached by street car.
So they have made it possible for their customers to at no cost, by installing a fleet each one with a capacity of about twenty-five people, and they maintain a regular schedule for these cars,. running from one office to the other. The busses, all Reos, and reach the yard easily, and of large passenger busses, comfortably arranged, beautifully painted black and white, and of course carry large signs, are shown in the picture.