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nnd Now
HE Long-Bcll llmbcr Company, oo joly 31, bcgan thc opcration of itr ncw lumber manufachrriag plantr at [.ong- vieq Warhington.
Thic announccrnent meanr that lumbcr dalcrl thrcqbout thc country will have available Douglat Fir Lunbcr ud Timbere bearing tfte nationally knorm l..ong-Bdl 61de6sf+ a namc on lumber, that througb t[e yean har comc to bc rF cognizcd ar a brand of depcndability.
The company'c fir timber holdingp wcrc porchared ooly aftcr carcful invcctigation and rtudy to obtain bcalthy trccr of cplcndid co"lity and riz+-a factor hlvilg nuch to do ritL dctermining thc quality and value of the finiAcd podu.
Thc ncw lumbcr manufachrring plantr vcrc hdt to pnoducc the highelt qudity of product fron a mcchenbd 6Ddpoint, thc plantr bcing cquippcd througf,out rith thc uots modern machincry availablc. Plantr end cquipncot uc crrts fully planncd and dcrigncd to arllre low openting co*.
The eitc of thc new l.ong-Bcll lunbcr mnufactrias pbdtr at Longvicw,, Warhington" ofien uDru1lercd tnnqrot.trnm dvantagcs with ite location on ttrrec trearrcontincotal niltTn rdd on the Columbia Rivcr with itr occan-gpiDg $ipe.
' In thc opciation of thcrc ncc plantr eod in tbc narlrrftg and mcrchandiriag of thcir produerr, Thc l,.ong-BCl I-@bFr Conpany will rigidly adhcrc to t[e dcGnitc hirL rro&irlr ud policiee which havc govctncd the corngny'r buinc for rfc part forty-ninc ycara
Itmbcrman SA'rc lE75
Fir lrnbcr and Tinben; Southem Plne Lumbe end Thbcn; Crcorotcd Lunbcr, Timbem, Pootr' Polc+ fierr Gurrd' Raib' Pitng; Southcrn Hardwood Lrmbcr end Timben; Celifornh Whitc Ptnc Lrmbcr; Sarh end Dooc; Ork noo*g