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I Pioneer Shows Huge I I htcrease in Export I I Business

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Exporting more than 50,000 rolls of building, roofing and mulch papers to foreign countries during the first seven months of. 1924, the Pioneer Paper Company of Los Angeles reports its greatest gain in export business since its organization thirty-six years ago. According to William Henry, vice president and general manager of the concern, a gain of 3OO/o in exports for the first part of the year over the total for the entire year of L923 is indicated.

Shipment of the Pioneer products was made to Japan, China, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands, and the West Indi'es, Mr. Henry stated. The products are manufactured at the plant of the firm located at 55th and Alameda streets in Los Angeles' The increased export business is due principally to the successful usage of paper mulch in the plantations of the Hawaiian Islands, and to the unprecedented amount of rebuilding now going on in Japan. Each year the Pioneer Paper Company imports more than 5000 tons of rags from Belgium, Germany, England and France, to be manufactured into felt, the basic commodity of the mulch, roofing and lrrrildinq nrnerc

Lawrence Upholds Publist Statements

California Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles, California.


A short time ago at a Hoo Hoo luncheon yc lisher, Mr. Jack Dionne, made a statement to tl that the time was past in Southern Californi lumber or any other product would sell itself : it is necessary now to make a real sales effort liver real lumber sen'ice in order to market t duct, but that there was no reason to give up a product did not sell itself. This last statr believe our company has demonstrated. Eve we have been adding to our organization an< ment various units that will improve our lum vice. The result of our consistent effort is tha' the first six months of 1924 we marketed 2l' lumber in Southern California than during t six months of. 1923. This in the face of the f the total lumber receipts for Southern Califon less by approximately 21/o in 1924 than in ll

We merely want to point out that what Mr. says is true-that for those who put fonvarr sales effort and deliver a constructive lumber there is no such thing as business being rotter

. Yours very truly,

T. B. La Hart-Wood Lumber Ci urlpube effect r when nd that and derig pro' Decause ment f fY Y9an CqurP)er ser{uring6 more he first rct that ia were tz3. Dionne I a real wrence, mpany.

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