2 minute read
Garibaldi, Oregon
; Planing MilfProducts
SPRUCE SHOP and it in we are r.. Dteps taEen by the committec to insurc efficient use of rail- road. equipment and facilities cspecially as related to,- l. Heaviest practicable loadinr( oir car. q. I.imiting usc of ordcr bills of liding to practical ncccssities.
Wholesal 3.

" (Continued from page 26) it will bc consolidated i thc Commodity Comqitqcg., Uniform repori blanks, .r-sGd.; naires, which may- be decided as appropriate by the Commitiee, will Dc rurnrshcd rn.a8 large a quantity as desired by the District Managcr. .q. J/rospcctrve^transportation needs for thc next 90 days.-by gtvrng the approximate number of cars required to move tht oro_ ducts, or by grvin-g the relation, in volume, of the prospective m6ve_ rynI as compared with thc previous 90 days, and itre -simUar pcri& prevrous ycaf.
C. Ac,tivities in detail of the committee or its individual members in t-heir dealings with the carriers since thi tasi Soaid mc;iir;il: crt:ding-the disposition-made-of qucstions which may have arisiin, n. wnethcr rartroad service and car supply has becn satisfactory since la,st Board mecting.
E. - What, if anything, the railroads can do, as rclated to service. to?rd rn solung any distributi,on_problems confronting thc industry.
2. Prompt loading and unload-inc.
+. Avoiding practicc of placing cars tn tiansit', without deh- nitc destination wherever possible.
5. Limiting practices which prompt misusc of rcconsigning,
Arizona Rate Case To Be Heard August
Coos Bay Lumber Company Officials Greet New Boat
Officials of the Coos Bay Lumber Company, journeyed to Los Angeles last week io the present it t[rl arrivaf of the companies new boat, the "Vulian".
Mr. F. A. Warner, General Manager of the company, A. E. Fisk, Purchasing Agent, and Mi. George Weir,'weie in Los Angeles on the 6th, when the Vulcan irrived at San !_ed1o, coqpleting her voyage through the canal, from Norfolk. This new vessel,- formerly JUrrited States Col- lier, has been refitted and transformed into a lumber carrier, and will be the largest coat-wise lumber boat on the Pacific. It is understood that she will be put into service between Marshfield and Bay Point, replaiing the .,C. A. Smith" that went down last fall.
The Vulcan will carry two and a half mill,fon feet.
Association Issues New Grading Book
The case of the Los 4ngeles.Lumbermens Exchange vs. The Southern Pacific Company, wlil be heard befoi the State Commerce Commission, at Los Angeles, on August lzth.
..The Exchange, through their Secretary, Mr. Henry Riddiford, -has. petitioned for a revisal of all rates inio the state of Arizona, on lumber, from San Pedro. These new rates are sought to bring about an equalization on the rail rate on lumber from Seattle and Portland.
Browning In North
Mr. H. A. Browning, head of the H. A. Browning T urn- ber Company, Los Angeles wholesalers, is in the-Northwest, on a three weeks business expedition.
New Orleans, Aug 8-Revised copies of the Southern Pine Association's -standard Grading Rules, recently changed to conform to the new AmeriJan Standard whicir became operative July l, have been published by the Asso. cratron and now are berng sent out to lumber distributors, architects, contractors, large industrial consumers and others interested, in the terrilory East of the Rocky Mountains.
A statement by the Association accompanies each of the lew grading rules books, mentioning itrat producers of Southern Pine who are subscribers to thetAssociation. almost without exception, have agreed to manufacture and merchandise their lumber in accordance with the new American Lumber Standards, and it is suggested that the trade hereafter place all orders in accordance with the new specifications.

its soand Rcdtoood hmber.
FIR PAhltrr S rDd DOORS Send
ETIFTY-THREE ycar! aso l- built this Catholic echool
California. It is now bcing Redwood lumber it containe.