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Scientific Ldln drying preserves within our products nature'l sturdy and beautiful qualitier, while Modern macliinery and sldlted human efiort iurtifier our elogan
"If lt's Bradley's lt's Better' TRY US
Management Of California Volves Care For Associated
"To secure a fair reforestation of our lands in the pre rglas fir, California, more emphasis needs to be placed tection of the associated species, particularly than of redwood itself," recently stated Mr- B. Show, who heads the California research of the United States Forest Service. This, he went is accountable through the fact that redwood to explain, the stump and will continue to do so almost despite the treatment the cut-over land -recei associated species that are necessary -to b to the density of growth demanded for p operations depend upon seed trees for_repr Douglas fir and other seed trees are destroyed ging-operations or subsequent slash burning, a iecona growth of timber on the land is jeopal In order to secure reproduction of redwood per cent of the normal stocking, and an adr growth density of Douglas fir, associated with hemlock, and lorvland 6r, IUr. Show states sor sibly defective Douglas firs must b-e left sta llnd must be preserved by care in logging a tive measureJ thereafter. In the redwood i ting should be practiced. Slash should be cas-t. but with care for resen'ed trees. Sys or 35 equal spruce, large, posp for seed protec- f clear cuted broadic protection for the whole area should be provided, sim r to Forest
"Cy" Hooper is a Fa
25 to
Robert Browne Hooper, weight seven Po cordins to S. C. (Cy) Hooper, his daddy, as ever ar-rived in California, was born Sunday, Cy naturally is very happ)r ove_r the event, mother and the boy are getting along very nt we will see some speed rvhen young !ob- b-e-g the Southern California trade for the S. C. Ht and aca boy as t 3rd. that the y, and that s calling on r Lumber Company.
Mr. I. W. Kelly, Sales Manager Cargo Dep R. IvlcCormick & Co., San Francisco, is taki trip through the redwood mills in Humboldt
Mr. O. L. Russum, Valley representative of Cormick & Co., is vacationing in the northw is visiting some of the large fir mills.
Mr. Robt. Forgie, who handles Bloedel D in Southern California, has returned to Los 4 three rv.:eks visit in San Francisco. He w by I\Irs. Forgie.
Frank Peil Rejoices
rtment Chas. a vacation Chas. R. Mc, where he van stockS ngeles after accompanie{
Mr. Frank Peil, of Patten 6f Davis, Los chest out a foot the last few days, rejoicing has his er the arrival weeks. oT a baby boy at his home, within the last
Earl Hoffuan Returns From North
Mr. Earl Hoffman, of the Earl Angeles rn'holesalers, has returned through the northwest.
Hoffman LPany, weeks LoS trip from a th