3 minute read
Orir new LUMBER WAREHOUSE in [.os Angeles is stocked complete for quick deliveries to Southern California retailjrs and quick mixed car ehipments an5rwhere. Car lots direct from our Northern mill connections.
Eart {9th St. end Evcrctt Avc.
Ccntral Marufacturilg l)irtrict oibtained. continue of its adfor a Co. FOR. Forest for the tree the visit States t life, , and at ques-rily rereg'ion, an in such a imal the a retail pany, is
D()WNTOWN OFFICE ll3l Mcrchrntr Nrtioad BerL Building
Phorc TUeLcr {317
Washingt0n Iuiuber And Millwork
and Gen. Menagcr
\TNnfe. This vital paragraph ^ ,.."":. wi-ll appeoi in"eifht archite aural ond building mogaziitc s : -@ery architect and, contractor in America will read lt again and again.
A 2(N-year supply of these ttoods noy stands in the region there our mills oter. ate. -Natural grotth' of s-tanding 2 im ber, ong-.n tid b y ndttt d I r eln odu ction and re-rotettattorr, assutes d sLb_ TtIy of these yafuable baifding woods for all time.
Every af,chitect and builder, and thousands of pros, peclive homebuilders (your customers) are reading each month about the uses and advantagas of Cati forniaVhite Pine and Caffirnia Sugar Piiefor home building-for doors, sash and interior trim.
The man who BUYS lumber is interested in the USE of that wood in HIS OWN HOUSE. He wants to know that California Pine doors will not stici, windows wjll not jam, interior trim will "stay put"- that Cfilornia White Pine and California Sugar fineyor! up readily, take and hold paint and enamel perfectly; and that the final costs of these woods make them economical for his use.
Our advertising sells the USE of California White Pine and eahfornia $ugar Pine for doors, sash and rrim. It tells WHY thde woods should be used. Back of every line in this campaign is the dy, namic word-$ELL! We want you to MAKE MONEY SELLING California White Pine and California Sugar Pine. Our natiorvwide, million, message campaign is a SELLING campaign-for you!
Are you prepared to meet the demand this SELL, ING campiien will create? Stock these woodsCalifornia-White Pine and California Sugar Pine. Prices were never more favorable than-NOW. And remember,-our W'ood Technologist wilt qnsygr all your questions about thesJ woods, frankly and fully.

The Good Lumber Company: Live Merchandi
Here is a very good view of the busy and hustling Byron plant of the Good Lumber Company.
This live outfit has another yard at Tracy, and they are doing a splendid business at both plants.
Besides the usual lines handled by yards in this territory, the Good Lumber Company has found a good business in
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufecturetr bf
California Whitc ud Sufrr PtnG Lunbcr
Mills d Sonnvilla udtlill' Crt
15O,(XX),(X!O FGd Arnu.l Ceeraty
B. W. ADAIVIS, Mgr. Sdc. DGpt Firct Nation"l BanL Bldg. - San Fnnciro
E. K. Wood Lumber Co.

N. 'il. Bank Bldg.
Portlan4 Ore.
Ve Specialize in Gnye Harbor OLD GROWTH YELLOW their handling redwood tanks, irrigation s as well as other ranch items such as head stakes, etc., etc.
FIR Finbh and Vertical Grain Flooring.
If you like extra good quality Red Ccdar Shingter we can funish thcm.
The company is headed by Mr.'George A. founded the business in Tracy years ago, the being established later. Mr. Good makes Tracy, and directs the operations of both plants
Henry Riddiford Has
Mr. Henry (Hank) Riddiford, Secretary of geles Lumbernens Exchange, and probably the of California lumbermen, has admitted on August 6th. It is unfortunate that his at age cannot be reported herewith. Henry state, but, as announced in a recent article in tion, he is somervhere between twenty one and it would be hard to make a better guess.
As old as Henry is, he is not too old, and ne
Kih ud Ato lhiGd thpcrr
Grccn Clclrlr rnd Cmnr
Rril rDd Crryo Shlencotr
16 Calif St. - San F snd pipe, fencing, , who 1"ron yard home in rom there.
Los Anknoin birthdey, Sttcsrcd dtclines to. publicaa hundred, will be.
Final June Totals Receipts at Los Angeles Harbor
The following are the final official rec_e_ipts at Los Angeles Harbor, fo'r 1923:
7I,539,825 Feet of Lumber
L4,425,4W Pcs. Lath.
5,86,450 Pcs. Shgls.
13,000 Pcs. Shikes
46,744 Ties
263,947 Lin. Feet Poles
79,141,580 Total
For the first six loaded at this port totals of the lumber the month of June,
ify Has New Manager at Los Angeles
Mr. W. M. Brown succeeds D. R. philips as manager for e J. R.,Hanify Company, at Los Anseles.
Board Feet. months of. 1924 the total footage unwas, 593,149,647 board, feet.
Mr. Brown has been ivith the Haiify organization for seve ral years, n rrt "i t'"'l' il;'J:t"#,Tl'J tf-ffi ?:'r:""::l hls been acting as Purchasing Agent at their'p"rtir"a office. He is alhorough lumb&ma"n, a gentleman of verv fine personalitX and will no doubt be'weTl ".quuintea -il'f, the Southern California lumber fraternity, in-a very short time.
As announced in th-e last issue, Mr. philips has gone with the Hart-Wood Lumber Company, at Los'AngelEs. -

IVIahe a Double Showing
with your trade. "Put them wise" to
A white lumber, of rich mahoganyJike grain, with finish possibilities as unlimited as the scale of tints. And besides, no lumber of this character is as reasonably priced as LAMAO.