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Pioneered in the Sale of BnrsAM-V/ooL
,T,HE Wood Conversion Company publicly thanks and congrat- I ulates the lumber dealers who have been helping put over BALSAM.WOOL.
You have been breaking insulation sales records and with a new product. You have demonstrated again that the retail lumber business hasn't lost its ability to merchandise a good product.
In the first 16 weeks of this year you handled as much Bm.snu-Wool as was sold during the entire past year. Rumors of depressions and bad business were in the air. But that didn't stop you.Your repeat orders show that you are more than keeping up with the fast pace you set.
The remarkable thing about the increasing success of B,r.Ls.llr.'woor, is that most of the dealers who are selling it never handled insulation before. They invested their money in Bu-sau-Wool purely on faith.
Many of these dealers went to the trouble and expense of personallytesting out the insulating value of B^als.qu-Woor. in their own homes. Many lined their new homes with it. Others used it in the roofs of their old homes.
Today these dealers know without doubt why we call B.ql-sA,pr-Woor. a home-building necessity. They and their families know greater home comfort than they ever knew before. They know of the ease with which an insulated house is heated in winter-the freedom from heating worries and sizable fuel savings. They know the ioys of sleeping soundly on a hot night under an insulated roof. They know that B,c.r.sA.u-Wool has added a lot beyond its cost to the investment value of their property. No wonder they sell B.ll,sn pr.Wool. August L,lY24 Wood Conversion Company.
E\ROM those lumberdealers who are not handling B.lls,lu.'Woor-we agoin I solicit an order. A year a!!o we did so with predictions that B,q,Lsau.Wool would sell. To$ay we do it with the proof before us that B.ql,sA.Nr-Woor. sells in the city, in the small town, and in the country. with a little honest effort almost every lumber dealer can make additional B.c.r,sA.M-woor. profits. And at the same time give his customers better homes-more comfortable, more healthful, more satisfactory.
Address your trial order (we,prefer that it be a small order of s000 to 10,fi)0 feet) direct to the Wood Conversion Company, Cloquet, Minnesota.
DALSAM,WOOL comes in wrapped and I-f sealed rollc containing 25O aquare feet each. There are only three widths, 1? lnches, 25 lnches and 32 inchee. You donrt have to carry arr assortment of lengthe. BALSAM, WOOL iE cut to any length'required, right on the job. Your stock of standard sealed packages ie fitted for any job that comee up. There are no odde and endc lying around to eatup the profits you have made. BALSAM.WOOL requires little storage space. It is light in weight and easily han dled. It is the kind ofa product that you and your men like to handle.