3 minute read
BnrsAM-VboL Does More Than Srnash Sdes Records
T TP TO July lst of this year almost as lL-/ much n.qlsAM-woolhad been sold as w:as sold during the entire year of.IT24. But smashing sales records is just one builders, heating engineers and home' owners relatin$ the remarkable performances of na.lsAM-wool.
BALSAM -WOOL has "arrived." of nar,sAM -wool's accomplishments.
It is making additional profitq.fgt lum' rr /E hear occasionally of lumber deal- ber dealers, helping realtors sell houses, \ aiding contractors to build better homes VY ers who are waitin$ for the insula' ;;d-A;Ci il_d;""t; &ti's g;y1'. tE f#"fffffi"':",fl:ii*:" berore thev amountofradiationrequiredinbuildings''''::'j" increasing egg production for poultiy We know also of-a lar$e a-"i gtgwiq8 raisers, r"iri"I"t""l for owners an-d givinb number of dealers who are making sizable them greater house comfort, wintei and additional profitsonBALSAM'wooLnout. summer, than they ever knew before. The waiting policy doesn't look so good
Almost every day enthusiastic letters when the sales records of some of these are received from dealers, contractors, dealers come to light.
An Illinois dealer in a town of 35,000 placed threeorders totaling 65,000 feet during the first three months he handled the line.
A Minnesota dealer placed six orderstotaling 54,000 f eet during the fi rst fi ve months of this y ear
A dealer in a town of 40,000 population sold 270,000 feet during four consecutivemonths of this year.
In a town of 1,000 population a dealer sold 18,000 feetthe firstyear handlingBALSAM-WOOL.
In less than three months of this year a Northwest dealer in a town.of 14,000 population had placed four orders totaling 37,000 feet.
A middlewest dealer in a town of lessthan 7,000 population iumped into the carload class on his second order. ***
ELLING BALSAM-wooL doesn't take a lot of time once you get started. One job sells another. BALSAM-WOOL makes enthusiastic boosters for you.
'Write to the Wood Conversion Company. They'll tell you frankly what you can expect to do with the line in your locality. They'll help you get started. One of the thingsthey will not tty to do is to overload you or sell you a carload.
They wantyou to make money on the line from the etart. They expect to build up their business by making BALSAM -WOOL profitable for you tohandle. Suppose you get a letter offnowwhile you're in the mood.
Branch Offces
2694UniversityArrc. 2O8 S. La Salle St. 812 LexingtonBldg. 22O Broadway
The Weyethaetsq Sahs Company k the combined selling otganQatiott of the follo*iag Weyahaeusa Milk aad Disnibuting Plants GoquctLubcrCn.. CtoquetrMim. HubirdlubcrCo. . Sudpoint,Idrho Thct{ottbmlumbcrCa.Ooqrct,Miu. EdrudRudcdgc TimberCo, Ccwd'Aleacrldaho lohmeVcotrcsthC-.Cloqrt'Min. BowFerrvLubetCo. - BorenFerry'I&ho Wood Conwnior Co. Cloquct, Mim. Snoqu.lroic F.tb Lubcr Cp. Snoquelmic F.ltt,Wuh. Potlatchl-umbcr.Cn... Pottatch,I&ho VeycrhacrerTimbcrCo... Evcrett,Voh. EoircPapccLunberCr.. Boi*,Idaho l9cyerbrcwrTinbcrCp. .Beltimrc'Md. VcyerhacunTimbcr Cp. . St.Prul'Mim.
Read what the Builder. the Heating Engineer and the Owner
I - .1 I say about thrs house
The builder, the heating engineer and the owner of the home in Birrningham, Michigan, shown above, tell in the following letters what BALSAM,WOOL did for this house.

The buililqs, Qi.ddey I V on Alstyne, wtite :
"As a builder of good horree, the idea of insulation appealed to rne strongly, and after investigating the virious materials on the market I decided to use BALSAM,WOOLin the residence at Quarton Lakes Estates, Birmingham.
"When figuring the cost of installing BALSAMWOOLinthis house I requested the heating engineer to figure a red uction of | 5 % in the ra diation, a6 recom. mended byyour company. Thie he did'whichreduced the cost of the BAISAM-WOOLtopractically nothin g.
"In showing the houee for sale I used the insulation as one ofthe most desirable features ofite construction and the extreme satiefaction the owner has since de, rived has proven the claims made by you are not ex. aggerated in the least. I am now using BALSAM, WOOL on several other jobs."
Hqe is what the hcathry engineqr, Howat iI C. Hurlburt, un ote t
"At the request of your Mt.Wood I am glad to give you a fewfacts concerning a BAISAM.WOOLinsu. lated homeat QuartonLakee Estates, Birmingham, in which I installed the plumbing and heating sy6tems.
"The buildere, Messrs. Giddey and Van Alstyne, orevailed upon rne to reduce the radiation I 5 % on thic job, due to the factthat BALSAM.WOOLwastobe used. Having done installation work for thirty years I was skeptical as to the results,but after this paotwinter' I am ready to guarantee satisfactofy results where BALSAM'WOOL is used, at a radiation reduction of 15%. Thiia practically pays for the initial co6t of the insulation and subctantial fuel saving ig aszured."
Arl.d the ownq, E. S. Jackson' t ep ot Ls e?ntire s otisf .Ictio?' :
"Myhouse at Quarton Lakes Estates, Birrningham, has BALSAM.WOOL onthe inside flanged between the studs and it is very satisfactory. In the coldest weather this winter and with not more than half a pound of steam we were able to heat the house to 7O degrees or better. I am of the opinion that with thie constnrction, one can save the cost of it in heating within a very chort tine."