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How Lumber Looks
We are of opinion, rhared bya large numbcr of otter lumbermen, that the wholecale mertet, elpecially in the souttern part of tte rtate, ir in a much healtrhier, active condition than ir the retail end of the game, and that it is about high tirne that the retail distributorr are taking a tumble to thir facL
The part two weekr har reen a decided change- in tte wholeeale outloo\ all up and down the rtate, a change for the better, and the old grin ir again appearing on the formcdy worried countenancel of the sentry who bave been booking cargo and rail orderr, dl too few of t[elrrr, rt pricer that rhowed no profit, and in carer rhowed a los.
Comnonr are bei.g dd at onc dollar and fifty ccntr to two dollan pcr thounnd highcr than tte pricer bcing oficrcd two wcekr to thirty dayr ego, and t[cre b no great avalanche of rtock being peddlcd. One inch common, SlS, rold in lor Angelea freely at $23.fl) on the thirteenth, and two inch, in good lote, war bringing a like price. Uppcn are firrn, fooring ir e little roarce, lath are rtrong, and ehingler are not ro gpod. Thc demend for ehinglca har not improved and tbe pricee are weak.
The attitude of t[e millr toward cargo burines ie now what it war toward cutting orderr, rixty dayr ago. Orderr for rpeciel rtockr are more easily placed and the rpccid attention reemr to be going to the larger lotr. Production ir now at about rixty per cent of capacity. The cuilailnent program ic rtill in effect, and of course thc nurnben of plant! that have burned during tte year, her rhorten"d ptoduction conriderably. It har been edimated that the errt will not materially increare for at leart eix wce&r end porriblyrixty dayr.
The Eartern rnarket ir activg large rhipmentr bcing rcported for a number of Atlantic Coart port!, rtl grader and kindr, and the milh are anticipating a good volumc of nllroad inguirier in the early fall
Takcn tr a whole, we would ray that the conditionr ue nore favorable rigbt now than thcy havc becn d any tinc thir year, and that tbe balence of 1925 will rcirnburrc thc wholerde dirtributorr for tte lightpickinp thet thcy codured during the firet rcvcn monthr.
Now if the retail headr will buckle up tteir beltr arrd look thinge in the face, doing away entirely with the wlld cro$ fire of bidr on jobr of all eizee, tal.ing up the drc& romwhat to a point whcre ttere ir rt leart a rmall nargin of profit, t'he etate can loon take itr rrghtrul place again ar a white rpot in tte lumber indurtry.