1 minute read
Important Change in California Workmen's Compensation Law-Don't Overlook it Mr. Lumberman
The important changes recently made in the California Workmen's Compensation Law, went into effect on July 24th, 1925, and it is important that every employer in the State post himself immediately on those changes, or ho will get into trouble.
There are two amendments of importance. The first makes it a misdemeanor to fail to provide Workmen's Compensation'Insurance by employers of more than one person, and failure to so provide is punishable by a fine of not more than $500, or riot more than six months imprisonment, or both. The law formerly did NOT provide for this punishment. (Reference, Section 29, Sub-section "C" and 'D,"
Wade Shifflett Spends Few Daysin Lake County
Wade Shifflett, well-known Central California lumberman and manager of the Napa Lumber Co. at Napa, is back oh the job again after spending a few days visiting' some of his friends in Lake county. Mr. Shifflett also looks after the affairs of the company's yard at Calistoga.
The Mill Valley Lunrber (lo. has just completed the construction ofa new lumber shed. At the present time they are starting to build a new rnodern lumber oflice. Joe Sewell is the manager of this concern.
Workmen's Compensation Insurance and Safety Laws.)
Section 53 of Workmen's Compensation Act has been amended making provision that:
"'Where injury results in death, report shall be made by employer -to the Commission by telephone or telegraph forthwith."
Failure to so report is made a misdemeanor, punishable by fine of not more than $100.
The Commission Address is: Industrial Accident Commission, State Building, San Francisco, California. The address in Los Angeles is Pacific Finance Building.
George Good Vacationing In Northwest
George Good of the Good Lumber Co., Tracy, is on a month's vacation, lvhich he is spending in the NorthwestHis itinerary u'ill also include a tripto Elgin, Ore., where he has many friends. Mr. Good also opelates a yard at Byron.
W.H. Wood, Presideht of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co.. San Francisco, is on a business trip to Seattle. While in the Northwest he will also visit the company,s mills at Aberdeen and Raymond.Mrs. Wood is- actompanving him on the trip, which they are making by autombbiie. "