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Anyone Would be Tough Under Those Conditions
A number of visitors had been invited to witness a baseball game, held in the court of the State Penitentiary, in which all the players on both teams, and the umpire as' well, were convicts. The entire population of the Pen was out to see the contest, which was spirited and enthusiastically contested throughout, and in which there was as much interest and feeling ingendered as in an exciting league game, with a pennant at staker.
But, oh, that umpire !
He wasn't extra large, and he didn't look formidable, but he was the "hardest" guy the visitors had ever seen. His decisions were terrible-he seemed deliberately trying to bring down the wrath of everyo,ne around him. But he stuck to every decision and every point in the face of what looked like thrtatened destruction time after time, and he finished the game, just as hard.boiled as when he started. He had done something that seemed magically bold, and gotten away with it.
And when the game wiui over one of the visitors approached the hard-boiled umpire and asked him how on earth he dared do such a job of umpiring and make such dreadful decisions in the face of dl those desperate men who were taking part. The umpire only grinned.
"Weren't you scared?" demanded the visitor. .
"Naur," replied the hard-boiled one, "I wasn't scared a minute. I'm going to be hung tomorroq/."
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