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MAIN OFNCE, 25Ot So. Alaneda St. [,os Angeles
Humbolt 37?O
Wilmington, Calif. East Basin [,os Angeles Harbor
PaneIs Doors
M0RRlt[and STURGI0N tUMBtR 00.
Portlend, Oregon
Hoquien, Slarh. Menufacturcrr of "Grayr Harbo/' Ycllow Fir Laminatcd Panclr
Hoquiem, Warh.
Manufacturerr of Vcrticrl Grein Fir Doorr
Can Make Prompt Shipment Straigbt or Mixed Can of Panelr and Doorc
Also Fir, Hemlock, Spruce Lumber
Loe Angeles Rcprercntative W. W. WILKTNSON l2l4 lnrurancc Exchangc Bldg. Phonc TUcLcr l43l

Union Lumber Co. Annual Picnic

The annual picnic of the Union Lumber Co., which has been given for a number of years to the company's employees and their families, was held on Sunday, Jaly 26, at Eagle's Nest on the Noyo, Mendocino County. The picnic train left Fort Bragg at promptly 9:00 A.M. with fourteen cars. Arriving at the camp. ground, they found everything in readiness for their reception. The dance platform was immediately put into use, with Weisse's orchestra furnishing the music. Swings and various amusements for the children engaged the youngsters and provided them with a full quota of fun. The weather was warm and a large number enjoyed the swimming pool near the picnic grounds. A refreshment stand on the grounds served ice cream and soft drinks. The festivities ended at4 o'clock when the train pulled out for FortBragg. About 1400 attended this successful event.
C. B. Bills of the United Bank and Trust Company was appointed chairman and Oscar Miller, manager of the Knox Lumber Company, was named vice chairman of an advisory committee of the Oakland Guaranty Building and Loan Association, formed recently.
To Use Moore Kilns
Inman-Poulsen Lumber Company, Portland, are building two new dry kilns of the Moore Moist Air Progressive type. Each kiln will have three tracks, with a daily capacity of 25,000 feet per kiln. They are using Moore's Asbestos Metal Drv Kiln Doors.
This is the second order of Moore kilns thev have installed within trvo years.
Robt. L. Tate, Tate Lumber Co.
Two Rocks Commercialcompanybuild New Mill
The Two Rocks Commercial Co. has completed the construction of a new mill which was essential to take care of their increasing business. Charles Garrison, well-known Northern California lumberman, is the owner and mahager of this company.
The Wisnom Lumber Co. of San Mateo is building a new shed that will be strictly modern in all details, and will contain many features of various tyPes of lumber sheds throughout the state. With the completion of the shed, the Wisnom Lumber Co. will have one of the most attractive lumber plants in Northern California. James Wisnom is the manager of this progressive lumber concern.
Arthur Edgecumbe Attends Bohemian Club Play
Arthur Edgecumbe, prominent Northwest lumberman and a member of the large Edgecumbe-Newham Shingle Co. concern of Vancouver, B, C., was a recent California visitor to attehd the annual Bohemian Club play as the guest ofA. J. Russell, manager of the Santa Fe Lttmber Co. Mr. Edgecumbe stated that he had a wonderful time at the Bohemian Grove and that the annttal play was an enjovable affair. "Gus" says that he was the best dressed man in Bohemia and had all the latest styles of British Columbia clothes in his well stocked wardrobe. In speaking of the shingle market in the British Columbia region, Mr. Edgecumbe states that they have hacl a good dernand for shingles all year and at the present tirne the market is active and that they are having nodifficulty in selling their output. The Edgecumbe-Newham Company is one of the largest shingle producers in the Northw-est, and is also a specialist in stained shingle productd.

Here's a Great Idea in an Outdoor Coet!
The Filson No. 2 Outdoor Coat isn't made like most coats, with heavier outer material and light lining. No. It's made to give double protection and double wear, so it's madc double throughout. It is really two waterproofed khaki coats, sewed together at sleeve-ends and edges. That means doublc protection I And wear ?-say, it's a bear I Give chest measure when ordering.
John Conlon Returns From Vacatton On Russian River
John Conlon, connected with the lumber department of Charles R. McCormick & Co., San Francisco, together u'ith I\[rs. Conlon and their two children, Betty and Jack, have returned from a two weeks' vacation spent on the Russian River. John checked in at the office with a fine coat of tan and reported that he had a wonderful time.
Charlie Wilson Returns From Del Monte
Charlie Wilson, industrial representative in the Bay District for Charles R. McCormick & Co., has returnecl from a tlvo weeks' vacation spent at Del Monte. Charlie, who is an ardent golf enthusiast and ohe of the best golfers in the Bay District, said that he spent most of his time on the golf links and managed to play 36 holes cvery day.
What Success Is
To be successful, we must be happy. And to be happy, we must be healthy. Think health, talk health, exercise intelligently, cultivate the open air, use plenty of cold lv3fs1-inlsrnally and externally-play with the kids and imbibe and inhale their usefulness, refrain from doing, and eating, and drinking those things which any intelligent person knows will reduce your vitality and your efficiency and your effectiveness, and health, happiness and succCss will be yours.
-you can give your enemy, is forgiveness; to your opponent, tolerance; to your friend, your heart; to your child, your good example; to your father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.
A Bad Risk
Bogus Wilbanks, who has been' laid up and is now at his home, is now on the mend. For several weeks he was unable to raise a knife to his mouth.-Ochiltree News.
I have to live with myself, and so, f want to be fit for myself to know.
I'want to be able, as days go bI'
Always to look myself straight in the eye; f don't want to stand, with the setting sun, And hate myself for the things I've done.
I don't want to keep on al closet shelf
A lotof secrets about myself, And fool myself, as f come and go, Into thinking that nobody else will know
The kind of a man I really am;
I don't want to dress up myself in sham'
I want to go out with my head erect, I want to deserve all men's respect; f don't want to look at myself and know
But here in the struggle for fame and pelf, I want to be able to like myself.
That I'm bluster, and bluff, and empty show.
I never can hide myself from me;
I see what others may never see;
I know what others may never know, I never can fool myself, and so,
!\Ihatever happens, I want to be, Self-respecting and consciencefree.
-Edgar A. Guesl
Spoiled It All
Sunny skies and fragrant flowers, Hold no charms that I can see; Songs of birds, and wails of wildcats, Are as one henceforth to me.
What care f for stately forests?
What for shrubs o'er streams down-bent?
Yesterday I met the landlord, And he dunned me for the rent.
-A. M. Conner.
The Trainman Led In Prayer
An old railroad man was converted at a revival meeting, as the story goes, and was asked to lead inprayer. Here is what he said:

"Oh, Lord, now that I have fagged Thee, lift my feet off the rough deck of life and plant them safely on the deck of the train of salvation. Let me use the safety lamps known as prudence, make all couplings on the train'with th9 strong link of Thy love, and, Ileavenly Father, keep all the switches closed that lead off the sidings, especiafly those with a blind end. Oh, Lord, if it be Thy pleasure, have every semaphore blocked along the line. Show the white light of hope, that I may make the run of Life without stopping; and, Lord, give us the Ten Comrnandments as a schedule, and when mytrain shall have pulled into the great dark station of Death, may Thou say with a smile: "\Afell done, thou good aird faith,ful servant. Come up and sign the pay roll and receive your check for eternal happiness."
A Slight Attack
"Any insanity in your family," asked the.doctor examiner of the lady petitioner for life insurance.
"Well, no, only my husband has hallucinations. He thinks he's head of the house."
(Continued from Page 18) naturally depends upon this prosperity, and we are, therefore, vitally interested in doing all we can to encourage better construction.
There is also a growing public appreciation of the fact that poor construction is not only the most expensive in the long run, but it is a detriment to future progress-and causes a great deal of human misfortune. It is almost a tragedy the way "gold bricks', in the shape of inferior but "jazzed-up" homes are many times passed ofr on people who have saved for a life-time to "own their own." We preach the gospel of "owning your own home," but do we go far enough to endeavor to protect these home buyers?
'We can at least try to see that the building material is suitable for the purpose. We believe that every grade of lumber has its place where it can be used to advantage. However, one of the factors of poor construction is that certain grades, kinds of lumber and lumber substitutes are used where they give very poor service.
It is you, as the building material specialist, that the community must look to for sound building advice; and we should co-operate with you to make this advice as effective as possible.
We want to assist you in seeing that our own product is used where it will help make better construction. Redwood should play and important part in'BETTER HOMES." It is with the idea of helping you to convince the public where Redwood should be used and why it should be used, that we are organizing and recording the best facts, figures, examples and selling arguments for Redwood.
It is to the retail trade generally that we must turn to get most of this information. \Me want your help.
We have put it up to our salesmen to work with you and to make it more interesting, we have made this up in the form of a contest with a few prizes ofrered. This was announced on Page 30 of the August First issue of "California Lumber Merchant," and we are enclosing the working rules we gave our salesmen.
Even a letter given to one of our salesmen stating where you or any of your customers recommend Redwood and why will help.
I-t is !y aclir-rg as a Clearing House for better merchandising ideas, and then helping you put over these ideas, that we hope to improvd the general average of building construction which, of iourse yrill be a benefit to everyone.
Yours for some good results, CALIFORNIA REDWOOD ASSOCIATION.
Fred Burgers Backonterritory Again
Fred Burgers of the Union Lumber Co. is back on his old territory again and calling on the trade in the Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin Valley. During the past four months he was associated rvith the sales department in the company's San Francisco ofifice. Roy Shannon, who \\ras covering his territory during his officl detail, will be connected with the San Francisco omce.

John Dudfteld Convalesctng At Capttola
John Dudfield, Dudfield Lumber Co., Palo Alto, who has been on the sick list for the past three months, is now convalescing at his summer home at Capitola, where he r,vill spend the next month. Harry Trimble, who is acting as manager, states that Mr. Dudfield is showing continued improvement in health.
Ed. Houghton, Los Angeles, cohnected with the sales department of ClTarles R. McCormick & Co., was a recent visitor at the San Francisco omces of the company, where he spent a few days on business. This was Ed.'s first trip to San Francisco in some time, and he said that he wai going to spend a few days looking the old town over. He was on his way to Santa Rosa, where he was going to spend a week or more with relatives.
Bert Dimmick Returns Fromlos Angeles Trip
Bert Dimmick, Dimmick Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a short business trip to Los Angeles, rvhere he spent several days calling on the Southern-California trade. Upon his return from the South, he left on a short trip to the Northwest to visit his mill connections. He will return to San Francisco about the middle of the month.
OU who are engaged in the Lumber Industry can appreciate the value of Service in connection with your entire costs.
Selling tires-Goodyear Truck and Passenger Car Tiresis merely one phase of our business. Another, and most important, is merchandising Service.
Our representative can prove to you that this Service is of a kind that will insure you the utmost satisfaction from your tire dollars.