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Farm Income
The Agricultural Research Service of Brookmire's has just published a very interesting analysis of the cash intome of farmers in the Pacific Coast States. Thev have also prepared a map which shows the cash income per farm,- the cash income received in certain sections of the state, and the percentage change from a year ago.
"Despite a ten year cent reduction in gross farm income compared to last year the Pacific Coast leads the country with an income of $3,055 per farm. This is $230 more than the per farm income of the wheat belt, which ranks second
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A good profit margin in selling insulation made from lumber. -Test3 show it ls the best insulation made for all purDoses. Positivelv vermin proof. ' The following- table is -based on the number of British Thermal Units of heat that will pass through one square foot of material during a period of 24 hours-its sound deadening qualities are just as good: with $2,825. Furthermore, the wheat belt is enjoying a gain of $650 in per farm income over last year, while the reduction in the Pacific States amounts to $350.
"The average farm income for a period of three years' L922-4, shows the Pacific Coast to lead by $791. The average income per farm, for this period, in the Pacific States is $3,213, which exceeds the combined per farm income of the west cottonbelt, east cottonbelt, and tobacco belt.
"Gross income per farm in the Pacific states ranges from $1,016 to $4,974. The low figure represents the income of the small dairy and truck farms in the northwest timber section of Washington, while the high figure is the average for farms in the rich citrus fruit and vegetable sections of Southern California.
"With the farm income in the Pacific states double the average for the whole country-$3,055 and $1'535 respec- tively in 1924-a very attractive farm market is offered. ThiS section increased the value of farm machinery 226 per cent in the ten year period t9rc-n indicating an annual expenditure of. 22million dollars per year for the three states-Washington, Oregon and California.
"High income and good roads make it practicable for the Pacific farmer to buy expensive automobiles. In l92O the census showed that 47.2 per cent of the farmers of this region owned cars, 4.6 per cent trucks, 7.5 per cent tractors. Recent surveys indicate the per cent of farmers owning cars is much higher now. Of the 234,164 farms in these states 41.8 per cent in 1920 reported water piped into the house and 19.3 per cent had eilher electric or gas lights. In short the Pacific states are rapidly equipping their farms for increased production and their homes for comfort and convenience, thus offering the best opportunity for sales of high priced commodities to be found in the country. Purchases will be somewhat slow this year in the wheat secrion ofall three states, as income from this source is cut 70 per cent in California, 35 per cent in Washington, and 12 per cent in Oregon. The income from barley, grorvn in the same regions of California as the wheat, is cut 60 per cent compared to last year. Fruits and vegetables show a slight decline but higher prices have largely offset decreased production in certain items, especially Washington apples.
"Tenancy is low in the Pacific states, averaging 20.1 as
Longview Adds Paving
Longview, Wash., which is now but two years old, with more than 7000 population, is setting an excellent example in the building of paved streets. With 11 miles now paved with cement, 40 miles graveled and 64 miles graded, work was begun recently on an additional 15 miles of cement paving, to be completed by September 1. The total contemplated expenditure for paving this year is $1,300,000.
compared to 38.1 per cent for the country as a whole. The highest proportion of tenancy is found in the wheat area of Southeast Washington and the lowest in the northwest dairy, and truck section of the same state.
Income Per Itarm In California
"The large decreases in farm income shown in the above table in the two central districts are due to the wheat and barley crop failures which have reduced income from this source 65 per cent fromlast year.
"Sonoma County in the West district sells over ten million dollars worth of poultry products annually. This is 40 per cent of the state income from this source. The per farm income of this county is about $400 above the average for the district. Farms average 44 acres improved Iand compared to 88 for the district."
The Columbo Lumber Co. of Sebastopol has completed the construction of a nerv lumber shcd, and recently purchased additional property adjoining their site, which will be used for carrying larger stocks of lumber. John Columbo is manager of the Columbo l.umber Co.
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