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Albion Lumber Company Holds Picnic at Northfork,
Northfork. on the beautiful Navarro, was the mecca of the crowd on Saturday, August 25, the occasion being the Third Annual Picnic of the Albion Lumber Co. employees. Two trains of flat cars pulled out at the same hour-B:00 A.M.-from Albion and Wendling, bound for the picnic grounds at Northfork.
Dancing was in full swing early, to the lively strains of the Masqueraders' Orchestra, and continued until 4:30 P.M., when the e'ngines tooted "all aboard." A platform had been erected with seats entirely surrounding it and a balcony at one end for the orchestra, the whole being overhung with an immense fish net filled with bright-colored toy balloons.
After lunch, the real business of the day commenced with the games and contests, ahd the entire afternoon was given over to fun. The athletic events were most interesting, particularly the boys' sKoe race, while in the baseball throwing contest for the ladies some long distance throwers showed up and it was evident that there is some big league timbei in the crowd of ladies that participated in thiJ event. The log sawing contest was a dandy and made everybody perspire that watched it. Ted Lerch, manager of tlie comfany-'s San Francisco Office, was the winner of the fat men's race and was tickled with his prize-a valuable pipe-all loaded and ready to smoke.
The last contest on the program, the tug of war, between Albion and Navarro, was a thriller, there being quite a rivalry between the two teams from previous years.At the outiet, the Navarro team took the lead, but slowly ahd surely the Albion huskies drew the knot over the dead line and held it while the timekeeper declared the Albion team the winners.
Following is the list of the prize winners:
Foot race, boys under 12-First, Lawrence Silva; second, Henry Egan.
Foot race, girls under l2-First, Lens Gentili; second, Alberta Andersoh.
Ladies' baseball throwing contest-First, Miss Prather; second, Mrs. S. W. Cross.