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The great agricultural Pacific Coast is a vast market for Moistite.
Substantial buildings on the farm is the order of the day. The farmer has long wanted a light colored, waterproof sheathing paper-one that he could economically and easily apply for remodeling work or new construction. Moistite answers this need.
As a lining for grain and vegetable bins, for the covering of the ceilings of milk houses and for use in barns, chicken coops and other buildings, Moistite is the ideal building paper. It makes a practical wrapping and covering for farm machinery, tools and other implements on the farm that are subjected to dampness, rust and.dirt. There are hundreds of uses on every farm and every farmer is a potential prospect.
Good Profits For The Lumberyard Merchant
Moistite is backed with a practical merchandising and advertising campaign, including many effective dealer helps.
The Zellerbach Paper Company is now ap' pointing dealers. Write or call at the nearest division for samples of Moistite, descriptive literature and other information which shows how the lumber merchant can cash in with this new waterproof sheathing.
Zttlerbach Paper Company
Exclusive P acific Coast Dislribulors San Francicco, Sacrarnento, Lor Angelet, Portlandt Spokane, Oakland, Fresno, San Diego, Seattle, Sdt Lake City
Manufacturcd by thc National Paper Productr Co., Stockton, Calif.
Petrified Forest Found
Spokane, Wash., July 14.-A petrified forest of giant oak trees has recently been discovered near the confluence of the Colurnbia and Spokane rivers'by Dr. W. A. Johnston. Being almost inaccessible, the forest has not been fully explored, but it is'known to extend for half a mile along the south bank of the Columbia river. The diameter of many of the larger specimens of the centuries-old forest is as much as five feet, trees of two feet diameter are quite common, and many are 60 feet in height. This forest grew on one of the first eight flows of basalt that partially covered that part of the state of.Washington, but many of the fallen trunks are in open sight where the earth has been washed away. Where the tree trunks have been brought into contact with the air the wood has rapidly decomposed and left the hollow shafts in the solid rock.
Milton Johns Touring Through Northwest
Milton V. Johns, Redwood Sales Company, San Francisco, is touring the Northwest. He will visit the Seattle and Portland districts and also plans a tour of British Columbia. When last heard from, he had arrived at Vaircouver, B. C., and on his return trip he plans tovisit the Rainier National Park and the Columbia River Highway. On hisarrival at Grant's Pass, his return trip through California will be made over the Redwood Highway.
East Oregon Lumber Company, Enterprise, Ore., are converting two of their old system kilns into Moore's Reversible Internal Fan system. The new kilns will be in operation within a few weeks and will be used for drying Pondosa pine.
$5,102,987 In New Buildings
San Francisco made the record building total of $5,102,987 during the month of. July, 1925.

The increase over Jane, 1925, was $441,963 and was $1,114,521 more than June, 1924.
Following is the itemized report:
PALO ALTO BUILDING PERMITS SHOW GAIN. Building permits providing for an expenditure of $258,964 were issued in Palo Alto during the month of July, the second highest total recorded for a single month since 1920. Of the total number of permits issued, 27 were for residences and ?? for garages. Larger items include one $23,000 apartment house and a $12,000 business building.
J. A. McWatters, Bay District representative of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co., is on a combined two weeks' business and pleasure trip to the Northwest. "Mac" made the trip north on one of the Hart-Wood boats and will visit the Fir mills in the Gray's Harbor and Willapa Harbor districts. He also plans to spend some time visiting in Western Washington. He shipped his machine north by boat and will make the return trip by automobile.
Excellent ltalian Architecture
Thir ho-ure won an honor award for exceptional architecturd merit, from the Southern Cali. fomia Chapter, American Inrtitute of Architecte. lt was reported ttre owner dirrcharged the architectr, al, in the first place she did not like the houre.
Here the dedgnerr have got completely away from the preaent maniq the rc-cdled Spao- ish. Only an rmbroken wall and an antiqued heavy door are prerented to the dusty street.
With thefoothillr as a. background thir attractive houre with its simple liner and roof certainly meritr its Honor Award.
The lumber on thir job war furnished bv E K. Wood Lumber Company of "Goodr of the Woodstt fame.