1 minute read
In the final analysis, economy in re-roofing is what the home owner wants and what the dealer must selll
Thousands of homes will be re-roofed this Fall with Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles because they are economicall They go right over the old roof-no expense for tearing off and cleaning up the old shingles. They require no painting and serve for years without repairs. Their fire resistance, endorsed by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, lowers insurance on both home and contents. Their soft shades of red, green, blue-black, golden-brown andthe new Nile, Coppbr, Autumn and Multi-color Blends are absolutely non-fading and make a roof of permanent beauty.
But added to their durability, economy, fire safeness and beauty is the fact that they are sold for re-roofing on easy time paymentsl This feature has doubled and tripled business for other Pioneer Dealers and it will do the same for you. Plan now to get yourshare of the re-roofing business this Fall. Phone or write the Pioneer Paper Company and be prepared to sell this complete line of Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles, in the most complete range of non-fading colors, on easy time paymentsl
Pioneer Paper Company, Inc.
Establiched t8E8
Loe Angelee Portland San Francieco Seattle
Pioneer Manufactures a Complete Line of Roofinga and Building Paperr