1 minute read
There's q, Difference in Rooftng!
Even a roofing contractor is unable to detect from its appearance or feel, the qualiW "f t'lire material used to make a finished roll of roofing. Consequently, with the goodwill the Weaver Roof Co. -enjoy-s today, a lot of moniy could be made by cutting corners on quality; changing the run to inferior, paper-bate roofing. But this shoddy roofing wouldn't "save overhead." It wouldntt be ttWeavertt Roofing-
So the easy money mutt igo elsewhere. ttWeavertt is synon5rmous with permanence and dependability. never Yariea. You make when you recommend ttWeaYertt Roofing.
Z44O East 8th Street
Los Angeles,, Colifornia elephone BRoadway 0784