3 minute read
Hipolito Screen Doors and lVindow Screens
Making "two blades of grass grow" where only one grew before is a philosophy that ambitious and enterpris- ing merchants and industries have set as their goal fon years.
Making thirty redwood trees grorv where only one grew before is a practical, scientific and systematic undertaking that is actually being carried out today. Not as a theory, but as a potent business venture. It is the answer of one great branch of the lumber industry to the question: "Whence comes the lumber when the forests are gone ?"
The forests will not be gone for many years to comernot the Redwood forests. Because for every tree that is' being cut, many trees are being planted and in the years to come commercial timber will be as available in large quantities, when the old trees are gone, as it is today.
The redwood operators have taken up reforeStation on an enormous scale, but probably the biggest efforts and development along this line are those of the Union Lumber Company. At Fort Bragg, in Mendocino county, they have established and are maintaining a vast forest nursery where the work of planting new growth is being carried on in a scientific and systematic manner.
Here, during the past year th€y planted approximately 15 trees for each one cut. And, during the present year, and hereafter, they are operating'on a thirty to one ratio, planting 30 redwoods for each one cut, as indicated in the legend on the new nursery sign which they have erected, and rn'hich is herewith reproduced.
They are taking time by the forelock, these redwood owners and operators. For, while there are fifty years or rrore of old growth how standing, they do not believe it is good policy to wait for that period of time before undertaking the task of reforestation. And in the meantime the virgin forest, as it is being cut, will produce the revenues from u'hich the new crop of redwoods can be financed. With their program well under way and being follorved up ir-r the active manner as planhed, there is enough virgin timber in the redwood region to last until the new crop is grown.
This planting of young redwoods isnot such a simple problem as may appear. The seed is gathered and planted in the nursery, and then the young trees are placed in the forest among the natural stump sprouts,.on land that has been previously logged over. As the redwood forests are compact and concentrated, more so than with other species of woo{u a program of uniformity of reforestation is more adaptable. In carrying out the work, many technical problems arise and must be solved. But at the end of the next five years, it is hoped to be planting as large an area each year as that rvhich is cut over.
As the Senate Committee on Reforestation has described this program of the redwood people, it is "one of the most definite developments in commercial reforestation which was brought to t-he attentiogL of the committee."
On The Famous Whitney Fir

(Continued from Page 30) last year it may have sold 1,000,000. Does that mean that your business is 100 per cent better? No-never-it means nothing in the world except the distribution of certain quantities which are larger in actual amounts.
Fifteen years ago today!
Are there twice as many people in your town? Twice as much available mon€y for building? And ONLY twice? Or is there more than twice, and are you falling behind in your possibilities?
Fifteen years ago, did you have plan books, dealers' helps of all kinds, advertising and merchandising ideas, display rooms and visualizing opportunities, show windows, attractive places of business, skilled assistance in the securing of business getting ideas?
You have all those things now. Are you using them? Have you pro'gressed as you should progress, with such additional facilities?
Multiply your fifteen-year-ago volume with the sales aids of that day; multiply your last year's business with your last year's sales aids and opportunities; then see whether or not you are keeping up your gait
Your Talents are ten times what they used to be. Are you progressing as you should?
Napoleon was a good man in his day, and had goodl armies.
But he would be blamed for defeat if he had gone up against one of the armies of the late war.
Friends, we aren't living in Napoleon's day. This is NO\^/.