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is 'C Select'?"
Higb " Ir tsa high-class finishinggrade, qualiry nor quire up ro 1 and 2 Clea4 fnisb but good enough for everyday uses. You'll find it suirable for the best qualiry of paint work. Much of this stock is droppings from 1 and 2 clear,but in the poorest pieces the rules permit not to exceed fouror a combination of four of the following defecs in a L2-inchpiece : 3 small surface Smallpitchpocket checks. fighi pirc6. Slight crook r sSund,tighiknot z 11,1il,sound and not exceeding 1 tlgntknots' inchindiamerer. 3 pin knots.
"Medium stain covering onethird of the face, or a gteatet arer. of lighter stain, is-permitted when not in combination with other marked defeccs.
"Like alluppergradesofCalifortbicAness nia Pine, C Select comes thick, wide and long.
"C Select can be had in 4/4, 5/4, 6/4 and thicker. Dressed inch stoch is customarily l3/16 inch thick.
Usabh "\Tidths run from 3 inches and aidths up, but the averagewill befoundto be very wide.
Tkeded "Lengths are from 8 feet up, but lengtbs not over 5 per cent of 8 or 9 foot lengths is permitted. Over half will be 16 foot, thelength youwant most.
Seraes "As already srated, C Select is a varied finishing lumber. Interior and exburboses terior trim, cornices, base, panels, 1 ^ srairways, casings and built-in fixnues may be construced of this grade where exception is not taken to thefewblemishes permined. Indusrial users also buv it. Iflhere your trade won't p"y tLe price for 1 and z Clear or will accept something neady as good, then C Selecr is the grade to sell."
Seepages 29-32 of owgrade rules for funherinformation about C Select. Ifyou haven't ourrule book, wrire "Cal " Pine fora copy. It's free.