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National Lumber Manufacturers Officials Visit San Francisco
Frank 'Wisner, Laurel, Mississippi, President; Wilson Compton, Washington, D. C., Secretary-Manager, ancl John Blodgett, Grand Rapids, Mich., Past President of the National Lumber lVlanufacturers' Association, were recent visitors in San Francisco, following the mid-summer meeting of the association directors held at Portland, Ore. While in San Francisco they were the guests at a luncheon of R. B. Baker at the Palace Hotel, who is President of the Lassen Lumber & Box Co. and the California \\rhite and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association, at which about twenty prominent San Francisco lumbermen attended. After the luncheon, Messrs. Wisner, Compton and Blodgett all made short talks in which they spoke of the many ac'tivities that were being successfully carried on by the association. Mr. Wisner and Mr. Compton have retttrned East, while Mr. Blodgett will make a short visit to Del Monte before he returns East.
Miss Betty Bell Returns From European Tour
i\{iss Betty Bell, private secretary to Theodore Lerch, manager of the San Francisco office of the Albion Lumber Co., has returned from a three months' tour through several of the European countries. While abroad, she visited England, France, Italy, Switzerland and Belgium.
Henry Blagen Looks Over California Market
No need to await completion of our new plant-from our present Los Angeles ofFce we can handle your orders without delay.
We have in gtock in Los Angeles now large quantities of Hardwoods that are really HARD' from thePhilippine Islanda
Our lumber comes from our own timber lands in the I"land of Luzon, the most northerly of the Philippine Islands ;-sash board is branded at the mill according to ,variety .rith orr" of these U. S. Registered trade mark brands:
Panels, Veneers and straight stock in these woods are ready for you now at most attractive-prices' --iin our'rol"r^on to show lou fmisheil samples--they aiII com' pleteli change your iileas on Philippine Hardvoods'
Dornestic Harduoods in Stoch
Our stock is well balanced and we can meet, immediately' your needs in domestic hardwoods, panele, veneers, etc'
phone-AXridge zror
Henry Blagen, well-known Northwest lumberman, was a recenf San Francisco visitor, where he spent several days calling on the Bay District lumber trade and- looking over lumbel conditions in the California market. Mr. Blagen is connected with the Gray's Harbor Lumber Co' of Hoquiam, Wash.
H. A. Cahalan, Cahalan Company, Burlingame, has returned from a short business trip to Washington and Oregon, where he spent some time.visiting the mills. Before iiis return to Cilifornia he made a trip into Utah, where he spent several days on business.
A. B. Davis, Grant's Pass, Ore., was a recent visitor at the San Francisco offices of the 'Western States Lumber Co., where he conferred with R. A. Hiscox, C. M. Muller "ttd R. G. Hiscox. Mr. Davis is the northern buyer for the Western States Lumber.Co. in the Grant's Pass and Klamath Falls districts.
J. A. Mulcahy, Tucson, Ariz., was g recent San FranciJco visitor, *-here he spent several days calling on his lumbermen friends. Mr. Mulcahy has been spending a month's vacation in California, part of which was spent at Eureka with his mother. He represents the O'Mallev Lumber Co. of Tucson.
Visiting In
ftay $pencer, Spencer Lumber Co., Walnu: Creek, is soendins^his vacation at Morgan Springs in Tehama count". Mrl Spencer is the mallager of this progressive lumber concertt. During the \Arorld War he was a Captain in the army aad'had charge trf the clectrical installations in the Norlhwest mills crrtting spruce.