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Analysis of New and Old Rates on First,
Third and Fourth Class Matter
First Class Mail Private Mailing Cards
Third Class Mail
Books, circulars and other matter wholly in print (except second class matter,) proof sheets, corrected proof sheets and manuscript copy accompanying same and merchandise.
Books, catalogs, seeds cuttings, bulbs and plants.
Fourth Class Mail
New Rates Two Cents Each
All mailmatter (except .first and second class) eight ounces or less, to be third class matter. One and one-half cents for each two ounces up to and including eight ounces; then fourth class.
One cent for each two ounces up to and including eight ounces; then fourth class:
All mail matter (except first. and second class) weighing ln exces.s of erght ounces, to be fourth class matter. No change ln present zone rates.
Two cents service charge on each package.
Old Rates One Cent Each
One cent for each two ounces up to and including four pounds- on printed matter. (print6d books of 24 pales or more, fourth class.)
One cent for each two ounces up to and including eight ounces; then fourth class.
Four ounces or less (except books, seeds, etc.) one cent per ounce. Books, seeds, etc., eight ounces or less, one cent for each two ounces. In excess df these weights ,;";;"t.;:
No service charge.
Th.e departmentJurther ruled that a book or catalog to be classified as such and to come within the prefeir.a ?"i. i" .*ita class mail, must be of 24 pages or more and bound. r nrs does not mean that it is necessary to have a board cov€r, but such books and catalogs c"r, harr. self covers of no Jreavier weight than the pages of the book or catalog it_ selt. I here is no restriction as to the size of a page. Books or catalogs, therefore, can be of any size provid'edtt.y fra"e the requisite number. of pages.
Increase In Cut
_.A. y..Cooper, secretary-manager of the Western pine rvranuracrurers' Assoclatron, reports that the lumber mills jn th5 Inland pmpirg cut 192,053,035 feet of lumber dui_ rng..f une, against 157,607,643 feet for the correspondine p:rj99.last-year, an increase of. 34,445,392 feet. ti;i;l";? 38,316,195 feet *'as shipped to the'Atlantic S.;b*;;: Th; Itgg:! inland delivery wa-s made to Illinois, ;h;;; ii,: 853,080 feet wer sent. N{innesota recei.,red .hip;.;i amounting to 12,041,302.