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The Long-Bell King Door
Washington, D. C., August 3.-Representatives gf tlq
National Lumber Manufacturers' Association today at: tended a meeting of a group of farm and allied organiza: tion with General Helbert I\f . Lord, director of the budget, to urge him to recommend to the President a libeial 'increasi in appropriations for research, more 'especially fundamental-ieseirch in the Department of Agriiulture. General Lord is soon to meet the President at the summer capital in the Black Hills.
The meeling was the last of a series which this group, representing thirteen industries, has held with President Coolidge, Sicretary of Agriculture Jardine and other officials associated with the budget.
General Lord was apparently deeply sympathetic with the general nature of the proposal and spent an hour an4 a hatf in conversation with the committee, during which he asked representatives of each industry to state their special interests in increasing the appropriation, in addition to the general desire to promote agriculture.
Representatives of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Assoctation specifically urged an increase in research funds of the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wrsconsin, and sketched the provislons ot the lvlcsweeney bill, which, if enacted by Congress, would authorize continuing forestry research on a large scale and in a comprehensive and co-ordinate manner. In the meantime the lumber representatives urged that forestry research in the F'orest Seivice as well as other Department of Agriculture bureaus should be increased by a million dollars.
The Long-Bell Lumber Cornpany has recently announced a new type of door, to be known as the Long-Belt King.
The outstanding feature of the Long-Bell King door is the attractive flush moulding, which gives simplicity and style, yet accentuates the panel.
The 3-ply rotary cut veneer panel is inserted one-half inch into the stiles and rails, the width of the grooves being the same size as the thickness of the panel. This results in an exact fit, and insures strength and freedom from rattling.
The Long-Sell King door is manufactured throughout of California White Pine. Hardwood dowels are used exclusivell,; waterproof glue is used on all veneer panels.
The nerv product may be had with either veneered or solid stiles. The core of the veneered stile is built up of strips and blocks of California White Pine, put together with waterproof glue, and gives maximirm assurance against warping.
Among the items for which an increase in appropriation is urged are: forest experiment station and allied work, foresi economics, forest range land investigations, forest pathology, forest entomology, forest meterology and forest biology.
Planing Mill At Kingsbury Changes Ownership
The Central California Planing Mill recently talen over by O. F. Erickson. Enoch E. Anderson were the former olant.
at Kingsbury was A. E. J ohnson and managers of this
The Neu'begin Lumber Co. of Tacoma, Washington, announce the opening of a cargo sales department. This department will specialize in handling of California and Atlantic Coast requirements. T. R' (Geoff) Tully, who is well known to the lumber. trade of Southern California and who was formerly in charge of cprgo sales for the A. W. Smith Lumber Co. of Los Angele5, will be in charge of their new cargo department.
In fact we are the genuine "Service Department" for the small dealer. Carrying in stock as we do everything for the building trade, and having these great stocks always ready for prompt moving by car or truck" we make it possible for the small dealer to give wonderful service to his trade, and yet keep down his investment, his insurance. and his overhead.