1 minute read
Bad\{eather Ahead Asutos Gooil wqtgfrq @
Between now and the end of the rainy season. Pio, neer Dealers will get the Lionts share of the r€,roof, ing business! The reason is logical enough...the dealer who has Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles has the BEST and most ec, onomical re,roofing home owners can buy!
PIONEER Yosemite Rock Surfaced S hingles embrace a Complete Line of styles and sizes... including the popular new Super llexag, onal Shingle, they ofier the widest variety of absolutely non,fading colors available anywhere, they never need paint or stain, they cost less to apply...because they go on right over the old wood shingles. They reduce in. surance on home and con, tents because they bearthe Class "C"label of the Nat, ional lJnderwriters.
Thousands of homes will be re, roofed with "Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles" during the Fall and Winter; better com, plete your stocks and be ready to get your share!